Category : github

piyushgarg-dev / review-app

Frontend Review Management Application | App Review App is a web application built using Next.js, bootstrapped with create-next-app. It simplifies the process of adding a review system to your website. Instead of creating a whole new backend for the review system, you can create a review application on Review App and easily integrate it into your website. With Review App, you can gather valuable feedback and reviews from your website's users. Whether you …

  • вторник, 10 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:08
microsoft / ToRA

ToRA is a series of Tool-integrated Reasoning LLM Agents designed to solve challenging mathematical reasoning problems by interacting with tools. ToRA: A Tool-Integrated Reasoning Agent [🌐 Website] • [📜 Paper] • [🤗 HF Models] • [🐱 GitHub] [🐦 Twitter] • [💬 Reddit] • [🍀 Unofficial Blog] Repo for "ToRA: A Tool-Integrated Reasoning Agent for Mathematical Problem Solving" Figure 1: Comparing ToRA with baselines on LLaMA-2 base models from…

  • вторник, 10 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:03
PanJiaChen / vue-admin-template

a vue2.0 minimal admin templatevue-admin-template English | 简体中文 A minimal vue admin template with Element UI & axios & iconfont & permission control & lint Live demo: The current version is v4.0+ build on vue-cli. If you want to use the old version , you can switch branch to tag/3.11.0, it does not rely on vue-cli SPONSORED BY Build Setup # clone the project git clone…

  • понедельник, 9 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:11
nasa / spaceapps

spaceapps SOLVE REAL-WORLD CHALLENGES ON EARTH & IN SPACE The NASA International Space Apps Challenge is a hackathon for coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, technologists, and innovators around the world to come together and use open data from NASA and its Space Agency Partners to create solutions to challenges we face on Earth and in space. TERMS & CONDITIONS By participating in Discussions within this repository, you are confirming that you have registered for the 202…

  • понедельник, 9 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:10
pure-admin / vue-pure-admin

🔥 ✨✨ ✨ Vue3+Vite4+Element-Plus+TypeScript编写的一款后台管理系统(兼容移动端)vue-pure-admin 中文 | English 简介 vue-pure-admin 是一款开源免费且开箱即用的中后台管理系统模版。使用了最新的 Vue3、Vite、Element-Plus、TypeScript、Pinia、Tailwindcss 等主流技术开发 精简版(实际项目开发请用精简版,提供 非国际化 、国际化 两个版本选择) 精简版是基于 vue-pure-admin 提炼出的架子,包含主体功能,更适合实际项目开发,打包后的大小在全局引入 element-plus 的情况下仍然低于 2.3MB,并且会永久同步完整版的代码。开启 brotli 压缩和 cdn 替换本地库模式后,打包大小低于 350kb 点我查看非国际化精简版 点我查看国际化精简版 配套视频 点我查看快速开发教程 点我查看 UI 设计 配套保姆级文档 查看文档 Tauri 版 点我查看 Tauri 版 Electron 版 点我查看 Electron 版 预览 …

  • понедельник, 9 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:08
jaegertracing / jaeger

CNCF Jaeger, a Distributed Tracing Platform Jaeger - a Distributed Tracing System graph TD LIB --> |HTTP or gRPC| COLLECTOR LIB["Jaeger Client (deprecated)"] --> |UDP| AGENT[Jaeger Agent] %% AGENT --> |HTTP/sampling| LIB AGENT --> |gRPC| COLLECTOR[Jaeger Collector] %% COLLECTOR --> |gRPC/sampling| AGENT SDK["OpenTelemetry SDK (recommended)"] --> |UDP| AGENT SDK --> |HTTP or gRPC| COLLECTOR COLLECTOR --&…

  • воскресенье, 8 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:08
docker / genai-stack

Langchain + Docker + Neo4jGenAI Stack This GenAI application stack will get you started building your own GenAI application in no time. The demo applications can serve as inspiration or as a starting point. Configure Create a .env file from the environment template file env.example LLM Configuration MacOS and Linux users can use any LLM that's available via Ollama. Check the "tags" section under the model page you want to use on and write the tag for the va…

  • воскресенье, 8 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:05
bitmagnet-io / bitmagnet

A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI, GraphQL API and Servarr stack integration.bitmagnet A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI, GraphQL API and Servarr stack integration. Visit the website at

  • воскресенье, 8 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:02
PHP-CS-Fixer / PHP-CS-Fixer

A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues PHP Coding Standards Fixer The PHP Coding Standards Fixer (PHP CS Fixer) tool fixes your code to follow standards; whether you want to follow PHP coding standards as defined in the PSR-1, PSR-2, etc., or other community driven ones like the Symfony one. You can also define your (team's) style through configuration. It can modernize your code (like converting the pow function to the ** operator on PHP 5.6) and (micro…

  • суббота, 7 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:17