Ingress-NGINX Controller for KubernetesIngress NGINX Controller Overview ingress-nginx is an Ingress controller for Kubernetes using NGINX as a reverse proxy and load balancer. Learn more about Ingress on the main Kubernetes documentation site. Get started See the Getting Started document. Troubleshooting If you encounter issues, review the troubleshooting docs, file an issue, or talk to us on the #ingress-nginx channel on the Kubernetes Slack server. Changelog See the list of releases for…
PostgreSQL driver and toolkit for Go pgx - PostgreSQL Driver and Toolkit pgx is a pure Go driver and toolkit for PostgreSQL. The pgx driver is a low-level, high performance interface that exposes PostgreSQL-specific features such as LISTEN / NOTIFY and COPY. It also includes an adapter for the standard database/sql interface. The toolkit component is a related set of packages that implement PostgreSQL functionality such as parsing the wire protocol and type mapping between PostgreSQL and Go. T…
🤖 MoveIt for ROS 2 The MoveIt Motion Planning Framework for ROS 2. For the ROS 1 repository see MoveIt 1. Easy-to-use open source robotics manipulation platform for developing commercial applications, prototyping designs, and benchmarking algorithms. Continuous Integration Status Getting Started See our extensive Tutorials and Documentation Install Binary Install Source Build More Info How to Get Involved Development Roadmap Future Release Dates MoveIt 2 Migration Guidelines MoveIt 2 Migr…
JD京东抢购、京东抢茅台Windows端、开箱即用无需配置环境。开发在即(开源协议采用Apache License)抢茅台外挂,茅台脚本MaoTai_GUI 可视化(即 exe 可运行文件) JD 京东抢购、京东抢茅台 Windows 端、开箱即用无需配置环境。开发在即(开源协议采用 Apache License) 首先感谢无名作者提供部分代码思路,根据原作者部分代码,所采用 Apache License2.0 开源方式。 脚本软件开发调试中具体情况等待回复 联系收款方 警惕骗子!!! 骗子自己没有start,就恶意的在我 lssues下辱骂。本人并没有接受他的任何赞助。如果还是这样,将永久停止仓库维护,大家都别赚了。 一堆别人的破代码卖 388 还扬言好货不便宜,便宜没好货 骗子把价格降低到78了,388到78 可见降价幅度。代码明显是随便复制其他无效的 骗子第一个仓库地址为: 骗子第二个仓库地址为:…
An inky color scheme for prose and code. Flexoki is an inky color scheme for prose and code. Flexoki is designed for reading and writing on digital screens. It is inspired by analog printing inks and warm shades of paper. Learn more at Syntax highlighting Ports Flexoki is available for the following apps and tools. Apps Alacritty by @willtheodore Emacs by @crmsnbleyd iTerm2 by @techvlad and @pingiun Kitty by @peterjbachman Lite XL by @chambored Neovim by @stevedylandev O…
NanUI is an open source .NET project for .NET developers who want to create desktop applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The WinFormium Project(A.K.A. NanUI) Easily build powerful WinForm applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. WinFormium 点击[此处]切换到简体中文仓库首页。 NanUI has always been in the testing stage. After 9 years, it is time to release the official v1.0 version of NanUI! When version 1.0 is released, the new name of the project will be officially launched - WinFormium 📢 致谢 …
An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.🌟 AutoGPT: the heart of the open-source agent ecosystem AutoGPT is your go-to toolkit for supercharging agents. With its modular and extensible framework, you're empowered to focus on: 🏗️ Building - Lay the foundation for something amazing. 🧪 Testing - Fine-tune your agent to perfection. 👀 Viewing - See your progress come to life. Be part of the revolution! AutoGPT stays at the forefront of AI innovation, featuring the…
🌐 FinGLM 赛题链接 | 赛题宣传页 📃 FinGLM: 致力于构建一个开放的、公益的、持久的金融大模型项目,利用开源开放来促进「AI+金融」。 🚀 目录 项目介绍 项目框架 1. 数据准备流程 2. 模型准备流程 3. 问答流程 开源路线图 1. 开源策略 2. 开源进度 比赛项目 0. FinGLM_all 1. 馒头科技 2. 南哪都队 3. Chatglm反卷总局 4. nsddd 5. 龙盈战队 6. 结婚买房代代韭菜 7. TabIsabaopilong 8. 饺子研究院 9. 流宝真人 数据集描述 1. 年报数据集 PDF下载 TXT下载 HTML下载 使用建议 2. 标注数据 项目问答演示 贡献者 免责声明 项目联系 📖 项目介绍 📈 一个旨在深度解析上市公司年报的对话交互智能系统。面对金融文本中的专业术语与暗含信息,我们致力于用AI实现专家级别的金融分析。 🚀 在AI领域,虽然已在文本对话取得进展,但真正的金融交互场景仍然是一个巨大挑战。多方机构联手举办此次竞赛,探索金融领域AI的边界。 📘 上市公司年报…
👨💼 Headshot AI - Professional Headshots with AI Introducing Headshot AI, an open-source project from Leap AI that generates Professional AI Headshots in minutes. How It Works Live demo here. The app is powered by: 🚀 Leap AI for AI model training 🚀 Leap AI to generate headshots ▲ Next.js for app and landing page 🔋 Supabase for DB & Auth 📩 Resend (optional) to email user when headshots are ready ⭐️ Shadcn with Tailwind CSS for styles ▲ Vercel for deployments 💳 Stripe for billing Just clo…