Category : github

mouredev / hello-sql

Curso para aprender los fundamentos del lenguaje SQL y bases de datos relacionales desde cero y para principiantes. Elaborado durante las emisiones en directo desde Twitch de MoureDev.Hello SQL Curso para aprender los fundamentos del lenguaje SQL y bases de datos relacionales Proyecto realizado durante emisiones en directo desde Twitch Si consideras útil el curso, apóyalo haciendo "★ Star" en el repositorio. ¡Gracias! Próxima Clase: Martes 31/10/2023 ⏰ 20:00 (hora España) en direct…

  • пятница, 27 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:11
roadmapsh /

Next version of Community driven roadmaps, articles and resources for developers Roadmaps are now interactive, you can click the nodes to read more about the topics. View all Roadmaps Here is the list of available roadmaps with more being actively worked upon. Frontend Roadmap Backend Roadmap DevOps Roadmap Computer Science Roadmap QA Roadmap Software Architect Roadmap Software Design and Arc…

  • пятница, 27 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:09
AI-Citizen / SolidGPT

Chat everything with your code repository, ask repository level code questions, and discuss your requirements. AI Scan and learning your code repository, provide you code repository level answer🧱 🧱 🧱 SolidGPT-Technology Business Boosting Framework 🚀 What’s this Chat everything with your code repository, ask repository level code questions, and discuss your requirements. AI scans and learns from your code to seek coding advice, develop coding plans, and generate a product requirement documents…

  • пятница, 27 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:08
premAI-io / state-of-open-source-ai

Clarity in the current fast-paced mess of Open Source innovation📘 The State of Open Source AI (2023 Edition) Clarity in the current fast-paced mess of Open Source innovation. This is the source repository for The State of Open Source AI ebook, a comprehensive guide exploring everything from model evaluations to deployment, and a great FOMO cure. Want to discuss any topics covered in the book? We have a dedicated channel (#book) on our Discord server. Contributing You can help keep the book up-…

  • пятница, 27 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:07
SUDO-AI-3D / zero123plus

Code repository for Zero123++: a Single Image to Consistent Multi-view Diffusion Base Model.Zero123++: a Single Image to Consistent Multi-view Diffusion Base Model Report Official Demo Demo by @yvrjsharma Google Colab Get Started You will need torch (recommended 2.0 or higher), diffusers (recommended 0.20.2), and transformers to start. If you are using torch 1.x, it is recommended to install xformers to compute attentions in the model efficiently. The code also runs on older versions of diffus…

  • пятница, 27 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:04
Vendicated / Vencord

The cutest Discord client modVencord The cutest Discord client mod Features Super easy to install (Download Installer, open, click install button, done) 100+ plugins built in: See a list Some highlights: SpotifyControls, MessageLogger, Experiments, GameActivityToggle, Translate, NoTrack, QuickReply, Free Emotes/Stickers, PermissionsViewer, CustomCommands, ShowHiddenChannels, PronounDB Fairly lightweight despite the many inbuilt plugins Excellent Browser Support: Run Vencord in your Browse…

  • пятница, 27 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:01
getmoto / moto

A library that allows you to easily mock out tests based on AWS infrastructure.Moto - Mock AWS Services Install $ pip install 'moto[ec2,s3,all]' In a nutshell Moto is a library that allows your tests to easily mock out AWS Services. Imagine you have the following python code that you want to test: import boto3 class MyModel: def __init__(self, name, value): = name self.value = value def save(self): s3 = boto3.client("s3", reg…

  • четверг, 26 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:13
bugen / pypipe

Python pipe command line toolpypipe $ echo "pypipe" | ppp "line[::2]" ppp pypipe is a Python command-line tool for pipeline processing. Demo Quick links Installation Basic usage and Examples pypipe is a code generator. Installation pypipe is a single Python file and uses only the standard library. You can use it by placing in a directory included in your PATH (e.g., ~/.local/bin). If execute permission is not already present, please add it. chmod +x To …

  • четверг, 26 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:12
daveshap / SparsePrimingRepresentations

Public repo to document some SPR stuffSparse Priming Representations (SPR) Sparse Priming Representations (SPR) is a research project focused on developing and sharing techniques for efficiently representing complex ideas, memories, or concepts using a minimal set of keywords, phrases, or statements. This enables language models or subject matter experts to quickly reconstruct the original idea with minimal context. SPR aims to mimic the natural human process of recalling and recombining sparse…

  • четверг, 26 октября 2023 г. в 00:00:09