Browse the web with GPT-4V and VimiumvimGPT Giving multimodal models an interface to play with. Overview LLMs as a way to browse the web is being explored by numerous startups and open-source projects. With this project, I was interested in seeing if we could only use GPT-4V's vision capabilities for web browsing. The issue with this is it's hard to determine what the model wants to click on without giving it the browser DOM as text. Vimiu…
Goroutine leak detectorgoleak Goroutine leak detector to help avoid Goroutine leaks. Installation You can use go get to get the latest version: go get -u goleak also supports semver releases. Note that go-leak only supports the two most recent minor versions of Go. Quick Start To verify that there are no unexpected goroutines running at the end of a test: func TestA(t *testing.T) { defer goleak.VerifyNone(t) // test logic here. } Instead of checking for leaks at the end…
Великий язык программирования древних Русов В†† Наконец язык В†† был найден и теперь доступен русам для написания кода на нём. Язык только нашли, поэтому открыты ещё не все возможности древней русской силы. Больше материалов о языке смотрите на YouTube канале Ватага Как начать писать? Для начала нужно установить на свой компьютер последнюю версию языка. в папке header лежит заголовочный файл "Ве_крест_крест.h", который необходимо скачать; далее нужно создать проект на языке C++, под…
Open-Source Reproduction/Demo of the LLM Riddles GameLLM Riddles English | 简体中文 🤔 What's This Welcome to LLM Riddles! This is a game of wits and courage with language models. In the game, you need to construct questions that interact with the language model to get answers that meet the requirements. In this process, you can use your brain and use all the methods you can think of to get the model to output the results required by the answer. 👾 How to Play We provide an online ve…
Must-have resource for anyone who wants to experiment with and build on the OpenAI Vision API 🔥openai vision api experiments 🧪 👋 Hello The must-have resource for anyone who wants to experiment with and build on the OpenAI Vision API. This repository serves as a hub for innovative experiments, showcasing a variety of applications ranging from simple image classifications to advanced zero-shot learning models. It's a space for both beginners and experts to explore the capabilities of the Visi…
Draw a mockup and generate html for itdraw-a-ui This is an app that uses tldraw and the gpt-4-vision api to generate html based on a wireframe you draw. This works by just taking the current canvas SVG, converting it to a PNG, and sending that png to gpt-4-vision with instructions to return a single html file with tailwind. Disclaimer: This is a demo and is not intended for production use. It doesn't have any auth so you will go broke if you deploy it. Getting Started This is a Next.js a…
Early experiment to create fully autonomous agent swarmsHierarchical Autonomous Agent Swarm (HAAS) !!!! ANNOUNCEMENT We have our first GPT Concierge. You can chat with this custom ChatGPT to figure out what's going on! HAAS Board Concierge: Overview The Hierarchical Autonomous Agent Swarm (HAAS) is a groundbreaking initiative that leverages OpenAI's latest advancements in agent-based APIs to create a self-organizing and ethi…
ChatGPT web interface using the OpenAI APIChatGPT-web URL: ChatGPT-web is a simple one-page web interface to the OpenAI ChatGPT API. To use it, you need to register for an OpenAI API key first. All messages are stored in your browser's local storage, so everything is private. You can also close the browser tab and come back later to continue the conversation. Features Open source: ChatGPT-web is open source (GPL-3.0), so you can host it yourself and…
Build and deploy Go applicationsko: Easy Go Containers 🎉 Google has applied for ko to join the Cloud Native Computing Foundation as a Sandbox project! Learn more here! ko is a simple, fast container image builder for Go applications. It's ideal for use cases where your image contains a single Go application without any/many dependencies on the OS base image (e.g., no cgo, no OS package dependencies). ko builds images by effectively executing go build on your local machine, and as su…