Category : github

chenzomi12 / DeepLearningSystem

Deep Learning System core principles introduction.Deep Learning System & AI System 文字课程内容正在一节节补充更新,尽可能抽空继续更新正在 AISys ,希望您多多鼓励和参与进来!!! 文字课程开源在 AISys,系列视频托管B站和油管,PPT开源在github,欢迎取用!!! 非常希望您也参与到这个开源项目中,B站给ZOMI留言哦! 欢迎大家使用的过程中发现bug或者勘误直接提交代码PR到开源社区哦! 项目背景 这个开源项目英文名字叫做 Deep Learning System 或者 AI System(AISys),中文名字叫做 深度学习系统 或者 AI系统。 本开源项目主要是跟大家一起探讨和学习人工智能、深度学习的系统设计,而整个系统是围绕着 ZOMI 在工作当中所积累、梳理、构建 AI 系统全栈的内容。希望跟所有关注 AI 开源项目的好朋友一起探讨研究,共同促进学习讨论。 课程内容大纲 课程主要包括以下六大模块: 第一部分,AI基础知识和AI系统的全栈概述的AI系统概述,以及深…

  • четверг, 16 ноября 2023 г. в 00:01:32
MerlinKodo / clash-rev

Continuation of Clash core project Clash.Rev A rule-based tunnel in Go. Important Notice There is a need for time to organize and analyze the code. If the Clash.Meta or Clash-core author restarts development within three months, our project will be halted to avoid unnecessary competition. Description Clash.Rev is a personal successor to the discontinued Clash-core and Clash.Meta, providing enhanced network management capabilities with a focus on user-friendliness and advanced features for…

  • четверг, 16 ноября 2023 г. в 00:01:01
pandora-next / deploy

PandoraNext部署文档仓库。PandoraNext 手动部署 在Releases中下载对应操作系统和架构的包。 解压后修改同目录中的config.json至你需要的参数。 将获取到的JWT Token内容写进同目录的license.jwt文件中。 启动PandoraNext或PandoraNext.ext即可。 Docker 部署 $ docker pull pengzhile/pandora-next $ docker run -d --restart always --name PandoraNext --net=bridge -p 8181:8181 \ -e PANDORA_NEXT_LICENSE="<JWT Token>" pengzhile/pandora-next 容器内默认监听8181端口,映射宿主机的8181端口,可自行修改。 你可以映射目录到容器内的/data目录,config.json和tokens.json放在其中。 自行使用真实的JWT Token替换命令中的<JWT Token&…

  • четверг, 16 ноября 2023 г. в 00:00:34
netbootxyz /

Your favorite operating systems in one place. A network-based bootable operating system installer based on Your favorite operating systems in one place! Bootloader Downloads Combined Legacy and UEFI iPXE Bootloaders Type Bootloader Description ISO Used for CD/DVD, Virtual CDs, DRAC/iLO, VMware, Virtual Box USB Used for creation of USB Keys Legacy (PCBIOS) iPXE Bootloaders Type Bootloader Description Kernel…

  • четверг, 16 ноября 2023 г. в 00:00:03
CorentinTh / it-tools

Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX. Useful tools for developer and people working in IT. Have a look !. Functionalities and roadmap Please check the issues to see if some feature listed to be implemented. You have an idea of a tool? Submit a feature request! Self host Self host solutions for your homelab From docker hub: docker run -d --name it-tools --restart unless-stopped -p 8080:80 corentinth/it-tools:latest From github packages: docker run -d --name it-tools --r…

  • среда, 15 ноября 2023 г. в 00:00:08
ai-boost / Awesome-GPTs

Curated list of awesome GPTs 👍. Awesome-GPTs🦄 English | 简体中文 This repository contains a curated list of awesome GPTs on OpenAI platform. 🚀 About Awesome-GPTs This is a space for showcasing innovative and exciting GPT models created by AI enthusiasts worldwide. Got a GPT that stands out? Let the world know! 🎙️ Contributing: Provide your GPT's name, a short description, and its link in the PR. ✅ Recognition: Your G…

  • среда, 15 ноября 2023 г. в 00:00:04
ashishps1 / awesome-system-design-resources

This repository contains System Design resources which are useful while preparing for interviews and learning Distributed SystemsAwesome System Design Articles This repository contains System Design articles and videos which are useful during the interview preparation and while learning Distributed Systems System Design Fundamentals Content Delivery Network (CDN) Caching Latency vs Throughput CAP Theorem Load Balancing ACID Transactions SQL vs NoSQL Consistent Hashing Database Index Rate Limit…

  • среда, 15 ноября 2023 г. в 00:00:02
disler / multi-agent-postgres-data-analytics

The way we interact with our data is changing.Multi-Agent Postgres Data Analytics The way we interact with our data is changing. 💬 Read This First 💬 This repo is an experiment and learning tool for building multi-agent systems. It is ONE of MANY steps toward building fully autonomous, agentic software. It is NOT a framework, or library, or shortcut. It IS a stepping stone to help you internalize concepts, patterns and building blocks for your own multi-agent systems and applications. Code onl…

  • среда, 15 ноября 2023 г. в 00:00:01
taranjeet / awesome-gpts

Collection of all the GPTs created by the communityawesome-gpts Awesome GPTs is a collection of all GPTs created by the community. Table of contents Automobile Business & Product Content Creation & Writing Culinary Debate Design Education Entertainment & Fun Health Law & Taxes News Philosophy & Self Help Productivity Programming Assitance Transaltor Miscellaneous Automobile DriveGPT: Autonomous driving assistant by TeslaGPT: Your go-to source for Tesla and EV kn…

  • вторник, 14 ноября 2023 г. в 00:00:19