The code behind my hot tips🔥 "Wes! Can I get the code from that Tip?" Bit of a mess right now, but this is my playground for testing things and recording tips. You may be interested in: The vite config for live reloading The Caddyfile for a local https server The .vscode settings for a clean UI
leaked prompts of GPTsGPTs This repo collect leaked prompts of GPTs Prompts of GPTs BabyAgi.txt by Nicholas Dobos Take Code Captures by Diffusion Master by RUSLAN LICHENKO YT transcriber by 科技文章翻译 by Junmin Liu genz 4 meme by ChatGPT Math Mentor by ChatGPT Interview Coach by Danny Graziosi The Negotiator by ChatGPT Sous Chef by ChatGPT Tech Support Advisor by ChatGPT Sticker Whiz by ChatGPT Girlfriend Emma by TherapistGPT by David Boyle 🎀My excellent clas…
A quick example of how one can "synchronize" a 3d scene across multiple windows using three.js and localStorage3d scene spanning multiple windows using three.js and localStorage A simple example showing how to setup a 3d scene across windows on the same origin using three.js and localStorage. Code should be self explanatory follow me on twitter at @nonfigurativ for more stuff like this
2008-2012 Roadster Development and Diagnostic Software filesRoadster The materials in this repository are released under the terms of Disclosed Research and Development Documents for Roadster.
《Real-Time Rendering 4th》 (RTR4) 中文翻译Real-Time-Rendering-4th-CN 《Real-Time Rendering 4th》 (RTR4) 中文翻译,非官方版本。 关于本书 英文名称:《Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition》 原作者:Tomas Akenine-Moller, Eric Haines, Naty Hoffman, Angelo Pesce, Michal lwanicki, Sebastien Hillaire 翻译者:Morakito 版本:v1.0 时间:2023.11.20 内容简介:本翻译版涵盖了RTR4中的第1章-第26章中的内容。附录内容详见在线网站,参考文献目录详见参考文献网站和参考文献合集,已涵盖勘误内容(截止到2023.10.30)。由于本人才疏学浅,翻译难免有误,望各位不吝惜指正。本翻译仅供交流学习,如有侵权,请联系删除。 相关链接 B站视频: PDF文件:https://g…
⚡ Build your chatbot within minutes on your favorite device; offer SOTA compression techniques for LLMs; run LLMs efficiently on Intel Platforms⚡ Intel® Extension for Transformers An Innovative Transformer-based Toolkit to Accelerate GenAI/LLM Everywhere 🏭Architecture | 💬NeuralChat | 😃Inference | 💻Examples | 📖Documentations 🚀Latest News [2023/11] Demonstrated up to 3x LLM inference speedup using Assisted Generation (also called Speculative Decoding) from Hugging Face with In…
从零学习Webshell免杀手册从零学习WebShell免杀手册系列 临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网;扬汤止沸,不如去火抽薪。 1# 本手册系列目录 PHP从零学习到Webshell免杀手册【基本完成】 PHP-WebShell管理工具免杀手册【完善中】 JSP从零学习到Webshell免杀手册【完善中】 JSP-WebShell管理工具免杀手册【还没开始】 CSharp(ASP.Net)从零学习到Webshell免杀手册【规划中】 2# 阅读具体免杀手册内容 请点击想看的手册名字,下方会自动弹出相应内容: 2.1 PHP从零学习到Webshell免杀手册 本手册已经开源,开源地址: 手册版本号:V1.4.1-2023/10/04 这是一本能让你从零开始学习PHP的WebShell免杀的手册,同时我会在内部群迭代更新 如何在线阅读? 个人博客地址:…
Open-source developer platform to turn scripts into workflows and UIs. Open-source alternative to Airplane and Retool. Open-source developer infrastructure for internal tools (APIs, background jobs, workflows and UIs). Self-hostable alternative to Airplane, Pipedream, Superblocks and a simplified Temporal with autogenerated UIsm and custom UIs to trigger workflows and scripts as internal apps. Scripts are turned into UIs and no-code modules, no-code modules can be composed into rich flows…
GCCコンパイラーを可愛くしましょう!Make your GCC compiler kawaii.Kawaii-gcc かわいいGCC Make your GCC compiler kawaii~! This project makes the output messages from GCC compiler looks kawaii by editing the localization file of GCC. Everyone is welcomed to contribute and add more kawaii messages! 中文版 How to use it? Linux (in an Ubuntu example) Demo Video on YouTube(Japanese) Install Japanese for your terminal (if not installed) sudo apt-get install language-pack-ja language-pack-gnome-ja language-pack-ja-base la…