Cross-platform copyright-free music platform(跨平台的无版权音乐平台). 支持 windows / macos / linux / webRadishes 2.0.0 Radishes是这个项目的名称,它是由萝卜翻译而来。可以在这里试听和下载“灰色”歌曲哟 界面表现和功能参考 windows 网易云音乐界面和 ios 的网易云音乐,会对一些功能进行移动端支持。希望能找到合适的基于 vue3 的移动端打包工具(非套壳)。 项目运行 克隆项目 git clone 安装依赖 cd radishes/ yarn bootstrap 运行项目 web: yarn dev electron: yarn dev:electron 构建项目 web: yarn build electron:win: yarn build:electron electron:linux: yarn build:electron:linux electron:macos…
Ejemplo de porfolio para programadores y desarrolladoresPorfolio para programadores y desarrolladores
An open source approach to locally record and enable searching everything you view on your Apple Silicon. rem 🧠 Remember everything. (very alpha - download anyway) Original Demo An open source approach to locally record everything you view on your Apple Silicon computer. Note: Only tested on Apple Silicon, and the release is Apple Silicon. This is crazy alpha version Please log any bugs / issues you find! Looking at this code and grimacing? Want to help turn this project into something aw…
Open-source link management infrastructure. Dub An open-source link management tool for modern marketing teams to create, share, and track short links. Introduction · Features · Self-hosting · Tech Stack · Contributing Introduction is the open-source link management infrastructure for modern marketing teams. Features Advanced Analytics Branded Links QR Codes Personalization Team Collaboration Self-Hosting You can self-host for gr…
A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。 NextChat (ChatGPT Next Web) English / 简体中文 One-Click to get a well-designed cross-platform ChatGPT web UI, with GPT3, GPT4 & Gemini Pro support. 一键免费部署你的跨平台私人 ChatGPT 应用, 支持 GPT3, GPT4 & Gemini Pro 模型。 Web App / Desktop App / Discord / Twitter / Buy Me a Coffee 网页版 / 客户端 / 反馈 / QQ 群 / 打赏开发者 Features Deploy for free with one-click on Vercel in under 1 minute Compact client (~5M…
This repository contain a lot of web and api vulnerability checklist , a lot of vulnerability ideas and tips from twittervulnerability-Checklist This repo contain a lot of vulnerability checklist AEM misconfiguration Authentication IDOR Business Logic jire vulnerability register vulnerability 2FA bypassing admin exif vulnerability cookie attack reset password attack Acount takeover checklist 403 bypass checklist tips from twitter tips from twitter p 2 …
Foam mint and claim scriptSolana-Foam Foam mint and claim script Rage Mode Data Winning numbers (arithmetic sequence mechanism): 1809 2469 3129 3789 4449 5109 5769 6429 7089 7749 8409 9069 9729 10389 11049 11709 12369 13029 13689 14349 Num tx_signer 1809 FWE8qytqwu5HsU3qdzRhZ86tMjfwM56GdJzcD5SGpipS 2469 QKypUcnD5Cw6BhVGqP1sjqzoS6Rr3W3rjVwbmicVEAD…
🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile! An open source, cross-platform Spotify client compatible across multiple platforms utilizing Spotify's data API and YouTube (or or JioSaavn) as an audio source, eliminating the need for Spotify Premium Btw it's not another Electron app😉 🌃 Features 🚫 No ads, thanks to the use of public & free Spotify and YT Music APIs¹ ⬇️ Downloadable tracks 🖥️ 📱 …
Fast Desktop Switching DeviceDeskHop - Fast Desktop Switching Did you ever notice how, in the crazy world of tech, there's always that one quirky little project trying to solve a problem so niche that its only competitors might be a left-handed screwdriver and a self-hiding alarm clock? I use two different computers in my daily workflow and share a single keyboard/mouse pair between them. Trying several USB switching boxes found on Amazon made me realize they all suffer from similar issues …