Category : github

safak / next14-tutorial

Getting Started First, install the dependencies: npm install # or yarn install # or pnpm install # or bun install run the development server: npm run dev # or yarn dev # or pnpm dev # or bun dev Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

  • понедельник, 1 января 2024 г. в 00:00:08
krishnaik06 / Perfect-Roadmap-To-Learn-Data-Science-In-2024

Perfect Roadmap To Learn Data Science In 2024 Work Of Data Scientist? 1. Python Programming Language -1 Month Python: Complete Python Playlist In English: Complete Python Playlist In Hindi: Flask Playlist: Final Goal Outcome: Basic To Intermediate Python With various knowledge of various Data structures like numpy,pandas,matplotlib and many more. Knowledge of performing EDA,Feature Engineering and creating visualization charts using python Atleast Make some python projects …

  • понедельник, 1 января 2024 г. в 00:00:05
flowdriveai / flowpilot

flow-pilot is an openpilot based driver assistance system that runs on linux, windows and android powered machines. What is Flowpilot? Flowpilot is an open source driver assistance system built on top of openpilot, that can run on most windows/linux and android powered machines. It performs the functions of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Automated Lane Centering (ALC), Forward Collision Warning (FCW), Lane Departure Warning (LDW) and Driver Monitoring (DM) for a growing variety of supported car…

  • понедельник, 1 января 2024 г. в 00:00:04
successfulstudy / promptoftheyear

In the evolving world of Large Language Models (LLMs), crafting effective prompts has become an essential skill. That's why I've created this collection, showcasing the most impactful prompts of the year across various intriguing domains. 🌐Prompt Of The Year: 2023 🌟 Introduction In the evolving world of Large Language Models (LLMs), crafting effective prompts has become an essential skill. That's why I've created this collection, showcasing the most impactful prompts of the year across …

  • понедельник, 1 января 2024 г. в 00:00:03
Universidade-Livre / rinha-de-algoritmos

Na Rinha de Algoritmos você deve utilizar suas habilidades para a criação de algoritmos eficientes para resolver problemas! Você está prestes a entrar na Rinha de Algoritmos, uma competição incrível que desafia você a mostrar o seu talento no mundo dos algoritmos e estruturas de dados. Nesta aventura, você vai enfrentar problemas reais que exigem soluções criativas e eficientes. Você vai se surpreender com casos curiosos, onde a sua habilidade em resolver desafios …

  • понедельник, 1 января 2024 г. в 00:00:02
joaomdmoura / crewAI

crewAI 🤖 Cutting-edge framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, CrewAI empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex tasks. Why CrewAI Getting Started Key Features Examples Local Open Source Models CrewAI x AutoGen x ChatDev Contribution License Why CrewAI? The power of AI collaboration has too much to offer. CrewAI is designed to enable AI agents to assume roles, share goals, and operate in a cohesive unit - much…

  • воскресенье, 31 декабря 2023 г. в 00:00:10
KwaiKEG / KwaiAgents

A generalized information-seeking agent system with Large Language Models (LLMs). English | 中文 📚 Dataset | 📚 Benchmark | 🤗 Models | 📑 Paper KwaiAgents is a series of Agent-related works open-sourced by the KwaiKEG from Kuaishou Technology. The open-sourced content includes: KAgentSys-Lite: a lite version of the KAgentSys in the paper. While retaining some of the original system's functionality, KAgentSys-Lite has certain differences and limitations when compared to it…

  • воскресенье, 31 декабря 2023 г. в 00:00:06
midudev / esland-web

Web de los premios Esland para fines didácticos The ESLAND page reimagined Created for didactic and educational purposes. Preview  ✦  Getting Started  ✦  Commands  ✦  License  ✦  YouTube  ✦  Twitter WarningThis page is not official. The official page is 🛠️ Stack Astro - The web framework for content-driven websites. Typescript - Ja…

  • воскресенье, 31 декабря 2023 г. в 00:00:05
stacksmashing / tamarin-c

A tool to explore USB-C on Apple devices using the Tamarin C Hardware.Tamarin-C A tool to explore USB-C on Apple devices using the Tamarin C Hardware. With the firmware flashed you should get two serial ports: One for control, and one for UART. On the control port you should be able to see the following menu: 1: JTAG Mode (with Tamarin Probe support) !: JTAG Mode (For external debugger) 2: DCSD Mode (with UART in Tamarin) @: DCSD Mode (For external probe) 3: Reboot device A: Map internal bus 1 …

  • воскресенье, 31 декабря 2023 г. в 00:00:04