将.env.example改为.env 在.env里配置公私钥。NPUB/NSEC的获取可以使用OKX钱包的nostr链获取地址/导出私钥获取,暂时不知道如何从TP钱包获取NPUB/NSEC。注意npub... nsec..开头的需要转换一下才能使用,可以去https://nostrcheck.me/converter/ 转换 使用golang编译脚本,或者使用release中编译好的版本 运行 再加一句话:判断你是否成功运行脚本:1. 成功运行没闪退 2. 在蹦字 3. 返回值Response显示是200 4. Publish to后面有id,并且id前5位为0 FAQ 我运行时闪退了:ARB节点没配置好,或者节点被冲烂了,换一个。 返回值一直是429:算力过剩,项目方的服务器嫌你烦了,临时封禁了你的IP,等一会儿。 打出来的ID为空或者前5位不是0:公私钥配置错误,仔细阅读上面的第2条。 2024.1.5更新 修改了由于项目方不认识美化后Json导致的问题,本人已经使用工具出块,效率不明,自己尝试,不保证能出块; 另外,由于Noss难度为21,因此大家的算力都是过剩的,频…
Code and dataset for photorealistic Codec Avatars driven from audioFrom Audio to Photoreal Embodiment: Synthesizing Humans in Conversations This repositiory contains a pytorch implementation of "From Audio to Photoreal Embodiment: Synthesizing Humans in Conversations" audio2photoreal.mp4 This codebase provides: train code test code pretrained motion models access to dataset If you use the dataset or code, please cite our Paper @article{ng2024audio2…
Container to WASM converter[:arrow_down: Download] [:book: Command reference] [:books: Additional Documents] [:arrow_forward: Demo] container2wasm: Container to WASM converter container2wasm is a container-to-wasm image converter that enables to run the container on WASM. Converts a container to WASM with emulation by Bochs (for x86_64 containers) and TinyEMU (for riscv64 containers). Runs on WASI runtimes (e.g. wasmtime, wamr, wasmer, wasmedge, wazero) Runs on browser x86_64 or riscv64 contai…
A programming language benchmarkTL;DR: see the figure below. Note that nqueen and matmul are implemented in all languages but sudoku and bedcov are only implemented in some. Table of Contents Introduction Results Overall impressions Caveats Startup time Elapsed time vs CPU time Subtle optimizations Optimizing inner loops Controlling memory layout Discussions Appendix: Timing on Apple M1 Macbook Pro Introduction Programming Language Benchmark v2 (plb2) evaluates the performance of 20…
Unofficial Implementation of Animate AnyoneUnofficial Implementation of Animate Anyone If you find this repository helpful, please consider giving us a star⭐! We only train on small-scale datasets (such as TikTok, UBC), and it is difficult to achieve official results under the condition of insufficient data scale and quality. Because of the consideration of time and cost, we do not intend to collect and filter a large number of high-quality data. If someone has a robust model trained on a large…
This repository contains a series of entry-level exercises that can be solved in any programming language. The purpose of these exercises is to develop your programming logic. This repository is the first in a series of more exercises to improve your programming skills.Programming-Skills-Level0 This repository contains a series of entry-level exercises that can be solved in any programming language. The purpose of these exercises is to develop your programming logic. This repository is the firs…
Code for "Street Gaussians for Modeling Dynamic Urban Scenes"Street Gaussians for Modeling Dynamic Urban Scenes Project Page | Paper Street Gaussians for Modeling Dynamic Urban Scenes Yunzhi Yan, Haotong Lin, Chenxu Zhou, Weijie Wang, Haiyang Sun, Kun Zhan, Xianpeng Lang, Xiaowei Zhou, Sida Peng street_gaussians.mp4 Pipeline
Unix-like kernel written in Rust About Maestro is a lightweight Unix-like kernel written in Rust. The goal is to provide a lightweight operating system able to use the safety features of the Rust language to be reliable. This project is still in early stage development, thus it is highly unstable and misses a lot of features. Do not use it in production! To stay updated with the project, follow the blog! Neofetch and bash running on the OS. Features The following f…
This is my entire homelab documentation files. Here you'll find notes, setups, and configurations for infrastructure, applications, networking, and more.Christian's Homelab Hey, there! I’m Christian, and I’m passionate about creating educational tech content for IT Pros and Homelab nerds. This Repository Homelab contains all my homelab documentation files. Here you'll find notes, setups, and configurations for infrastructure, applications, networking, and more. ⚠️ Be aware, products c…