A simple application to impress your loved ones on valentines day!!will-you-be-my-valentine Demo : https://saurabhnemade.github.io/will-you-be-my-valentine/ This is a fun project for valentines day to bring smile on face of your special person!! This project is inspired from https://gist.github.com/tnarla/0c09a11fea366145ba684fe6ebf578c5 & https://www.tiktok.com/@mewtru/video/7331131143112166698 How to start npm install -g pnpm pnpm i pnpm run dev Preview How to deploy it pnpm run deploy …
i茅台app自动预约,每日自动预约,支持docker一键部署 i茅台app自动预约,每日自动预约,支持docker一键部署 Campus-imaotai 笔记仓库 | 我的博客 项目介绍 i茅台app,每日自动预约茅台 平台注册账号(可用i茅台) 添加多个用户 自动预约 类型选择(本市出货量最大的门店,或位置附近门店) 自动旅行 首次旅行分享 获取申购耐力值 自定义时间/随机时间预约或旅行 结果消息推送 此项目使用 Campus 进行编写:https://github.com/oddfar/campus 使用教程 文档教程 https://oddfar.github.io/campus-doc/campus-imaotai 视频教程 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dj411H7oT 有问题请查看文档,查找 issues 上是否有相同问题,若没有则提交 issues ,附带详细的错误原因 不会Docker部署的,可使用客户端:https://github.com/lisongkun/hygge…
Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js
A cube that balances itself in a corner or edge using reaction wheels
An open source AI wearable device that captures what you say and hear in the real world and then transcribes and stores it on your own server. You can then chat with Adeus using the app, and it will have all the right context about what you want to talk about - a truly personalized, personal AI. Adeus Open-Source AI Wearable Device, the future depends on it! Homepage | Documentation | Discord Adeus is a wearable device that captures what you say and hear in the real world and then transcrib…
Implementation of a co-joined ERC20 and ERC721 pair.
Mario Kart 3.js - JavaScript/WebGL Mario Kart Link DISCLAIMER : This is not a completed project, I would say around 50% of the work has been done up to now. It takes a lot of time so please enjoy. How to install Clone the repository or download it Open your terminal and inside the project folder, run : npm install Start the dev server npm run dev How to use (Gameplay) Use the W key to accelerate, the mouse to steer for now (will be updated for mobile/gamepad/keyboard). Steer with the mo…
Starter-kit to build constrained agents with Nextjs, FastAPI and Langchain