小红书笔记 | 评论爬虫、抖音视频 | 评论爬虫、快手视频 | 评论爬虫、B 站视频 | 评论爬虫、微博帖子 | 评论爬虫 免责声明: 本仓库的所有内容仅供学习和参考之用,禁止用于商业用途。任何人或组织不得将本仓库的内容用于非法用途或侵犯他人合法权益。本仓库所涉及的爬虫技术仅用于学习和研究,不得用于对其他平台进行大规模爬虫或其他非法行为。对于因使用本仓库内容而引起的任何法律责任,本仓库不承担任何责任。使用本仓库的内容即表示您同意本免责声明的所有条款和条件。 仓库描述 小红书爬虫,抖音爬虫, 快手爬虫, B站爬虫, 微博爬虫...。 目前能抓取小红书、抖音、快手、B站、微博的视频、图片、评论、点赞、转发等信息。 原理:利用playwright搭桥,保留登录成功后的上下文浏览器环境,通过执行JS表达式获取一些加密参数 通过使用此方式,免去了复现核心加密JS代码,逆向难度大大降低 爬虫技术交流群:949715256,同时欢迎大家贡献代码提交PR 视频配置教程:MediaCrawler视频入门教程 感谢下列Sponsors对本仓库赞助 成为赞助者,展示你的产品在这里,联系作者:rela…
WingetUI: A better UI for your package managersWingetUI The main goal of this project is to create an intuitive GUI for the most common CLI package managers for Windows 10 and Windows 11, such as Winget, Scoop, Chocolatey, Pip, Npm, .NET Tool and PowerShell Gallery. With this app, you'll be able to easily download, install, update and uninstall any software that's published on the supported package managers — and much more! Check out the Supported Package Managers Table for more det…
Altinity Kubernetes Operator for ClickHouse creates, configures and manages ClickHouse clusters running on KubernetesAltinity Kubernetes Operator for ClickHouse Altinity Kubernetes Operator for ClickHouse creates, configures and manages ClickHouse clusters running on Kubernetes. Features Creates ClickHouse clusters defined as custom resources Customized storage provisioning (VolumeClaim templates) Customized pod templates Customized service templates for endpoints ClickHouse configurati…
Diia This repository provides an overview over the flagship product Diia developed by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. Diia is an app with access to citizen’s digital documents and government services. The application was created so that Ukrainians could interact with the state in a few clicks, without spending their time on queues and paperwork - Diia open source application will help countries, companies and communities build a foundation for long-term relationships. At the …
A Desktop App for Easily Viewing and Editing Markdown Files Marker An open-source, user-friendly UI for viewing and editing markdown files Download Navigate to the release page and select the installer that matches your platform. Building Locally To build Marker locally, clone this repo and run the following commands (make sure to have Rust already installed on your system): $ pnpm install && npx tauri build Contributing If you feel that Marker is missing something, feel free to…
[ICLR 2024] SWE-Bench: Can Language Models Resolve Real-world Github Issues? | 日本語 | English | Code and data for our ICLR 2024 paper SWE-bench: Can Language Models Resolve Real-World GitHub Issues? Please refer our website for the public leaderboard and the change log for information on the latest updates to the SWE-bench benchmark. 👋 Overview SWE-bench is a benchmark for evaluating large language models on real world software iss…
Diia This repository provides an overview over the flagship product Diia developed by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. Diia is an app with access to citizen’s digital documents and government services. The application was created so that Ukrainians could interact with the state in a few clicks, without spending their time on queues and paperwork - Diia open source application will help countries, companies and communities build a foundation for long-term relationships. At the …
The Simple Config Template Of Rime By Mintimate. QQ Chat-Group: 703260572 中文 - 简体简介 中文 - 繁體簡介 English - Brief 一套快速初始化rime的模板方案,因为平时我使用oh-my-zsh,希望大家在用这个模板的时候,有种用omz的感觉;所以我给它取名叫oh-my-rime,你也可以叫它薄荷输入法,亦或者Mint Input。 如果你下载遇到困难,使用GitHub Action推送的镜像仓库: oh-my-rime: https://gitlab.mintimate.cn/Mintimate/oh-my-rime Oh-my-rime指南 rime配置教程: 跨平台的开源输入法Rime定制指南,打造强大的个性化输入法 Bilibili視頻: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12M411T7gf Youtube視頻: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc4AivDDpMM 如果你有QQ帐号,可以加入群聊(禁止广告…
Automate automation with Large Action Model framework Welcome to LaVague Redefining internet surfing by transforming natural language instructions into seamless browser interactions. 🏄♀️ See LaVague in Action Here are examples to show how LaVague can execute natural instructions on a browser to automate interactions with a website: LaVague interacting with Hugging Face's website. LaVague interacting with the IRS's …