
catc / react-timekeeper

  • четверг, 27 апреля 2017 г. в 03:12:23

Google Keep app inspired time picker for react

React Timekeeper

Time picker based on the style of the Android Google Keep app. See the demo.


$ npm install --save react-timekeeper


import Timekeeper from 'react-timekeeper';

		// ...

All styles are inlined via radium so no css imports are required.


Timepickeer component props:

time (string/object)

Time to set on component. Accepts time in 4 formats:

// string with meridiem
'4:55 pm'

// string without meridiem (assumes a 24 hour format)

// object with meridiem
	hour: 4,
	minute: 55,
	meridiem: 'pm'

// object without meridiem (assumes a 24 hour format)
	hour: 16,
	minute: 55

onChange (function)

Pass a function to be called when time is changed. Used to store time state in parent component. Function called returns object with updated time:

	formatted: '4:55 pm',	// 12 hour format
	formattedSimple: '4:55', // similar to formatted (12h), but no meridiem
	formatted24: '16:55',
	hour: 4,
	hour24: 16,
	minute: 55,
	meridiem: 'pm'

onDoneClick (function)

Displays the "Done" button and calls function when button is clicked. Useful for triggering some action on the parent component, like closing the timepicker

switchToMinuteOnHourSelect (bool)

Changes clock unit from hour to minute after selecting an hour. Exists mainly to provides a better user experience.

closeOnMinuteSelect (bool)

Whether or not to trigger "Done" button click when the user selects minutes. Similar to Google Keep functionality, where once the selects hour and minute, the picker automatically closes.

config (object)

Pass in object with any config properties to override. Currently supports overriding style properties. See full list of properties.

// example
	FONT_FAMILY: '"Open Sans", sans-serif'


  1. Clone the repo
  2. npm install
  3. npm run dev
  4. Navigate to localhost:3002

  • build: npm run build
  • run all tests: npm run test
  • update test snapshots: npm run test:update-snapshots
  • create lib to publish npm: npm run lib