Bupterambition / MGJPFIntroguideView
- воскресенье, 25 сентября 2016 г. в 03:15:49
🛏️An awesome view for Introduce
MGJPFIntroGuideView is an iOS drop-in class that displays user coach marks with a rectangular or star or circular cutout over an existing UI. This approach leverages your actual UI as part of the onboarding process for your user. Simply define an array of views or dictionary (Hard code ) or rectangles (CGRect) and their accompanying captions,what's more you can also define an extro display image to intro your view with url or local resource ,even you can add a click link on the guiding image.for example you can define the url of image - https://www.google.com , so when user click the guiding image your app will open https://www.google.com. Furthermore,you can even define a route url of your app.
MGJPFIntroGuideView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'MGJPFIntroguideView'
Alternatively, you can directly add the MGJPFIntroGuideView.h
and MGJPFIntroGuideView.m
source files to your project what's more you should add MGJRouter to your project.
Create a new MGJPFIntroGuideView instance in your viewDidLoad or viewDidLayoutSubviews method and pass in an array of views or dictionaries.
- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews {
if (self.coachMarksShown == NO && self.introduceArray.count) {
[self.coachMarksView loadMarks:self.introduceArray];
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSUInteger index = 0 ; index < self.introduceArray.count; index ++) {
[array addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"this is the %ld picture",index]];
[self.coachMarksView loadGuideImageUrl:introGuideImgUrl withPoint:(CGPoint){70,100} redirectURL:@"http://www.mogujie.com/" withFrequency:0];
[self.coachMarksView start];
#pragma mark - UICollectionViewDataSource
- (NSInteger)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView numberOfItemsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
return 20;
- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
UICollectionViewCell *cell = [collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"cell" forIndexPath:indexPath];
if (indexPath.row %5 == 0 && self.introduceArray.count <=3 && indexPath.row != 0) {
[self.introduceArray addObject:cell];
cell.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:arc4random()%100/100. green:arc4random()%100/100. blue:arc4random()%100/100. alpha:arc4random()%100/100.];
return cell;
#pragma mark - Accessor
- (MGJPFIntroGuideView *)coachMarksView {
if (!_coachMarksView) {
_coachMarksView = [[MGJPFIntroGuideView alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
return _coachMarksView;
if you want to control the frame of each coachMask,you can use the NSArray of NSDictionary below
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// ...
// Setup coach marks
NSArray *coachMarks = @[
@"rect": [NSValue valueWithCGRect:(CGRect){{0,0},{45,45}}],
@"caption": @"Helpful navigation menu"
@"shape": @"circle"
@"rect": [NSValue valueWithCGRect:(CGRect){{10.0f,56.0f},{300.0f,56.0f}}],
@"caption": @"Document your wedding by taking photos"
@"shape": @"square"
@"rect": [NSValue valueWithCGRect:(CGRect){{10.0f,119.0f},{300.0f,56.0f}}],
@"caption": @"Your wedding photo album"
@"rect": [NSValue valueWithCGRect:(CGRect){{10.0f,182.0f},{300.0f,56.0f}}],
@"caption": @"View and manage your friends & family"
@"rect": [NSValue valueWithCGRect:(CGRect){{10.0f,245.0f},{300.0f,56.0f}}],
@"caption": @"Invite friends to get more photos"
@"rect": [NSValue valueWithCGRect:(CGRect){{0.0f,410.0f},{320.0f,50.0f}}],
@"caption": @"Keep your guests informed with your wedding details"
MGJPFIntroGuide *coachMarksView = [[MGJPFIntroGuide alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds coachMarks:coachMarks];
[self.view addSubview:coachMarksView];
[coachMarksView start];
If you'd like to take a certain action when a specific coach mark comes into view, you can define the callback Block of MGJPFIntroGuideView
- (void)setUpCoachMarksViewCallBack {
self.coachMarksView = [[MGJPFIntroGuideView alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
self.coachMarksView.completionBlock = ^(MGJPFIntroGuideView *guideView){
self.coachMarksView.willCompletionBlock = ^(MGJPFIntroGuideView *guideView){
self.coachMarksView.didNavgateBlock = ^(MGJPFIntroGuideView *guideView, NSUInteger indedx) {
self.coachMarksView.willNavgateBlock = ^(MGJPFIntroGuideView *guideView, NSUInteger indedx) {
#pragma mark - Accessor
- (MGJPFIntroGuideView *)coachMarksView {
if (!_coachMarksView) {
_coachMarksView = [[MGJPFIntroGuideView alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
_coachMarksView.loadType = MGJPFIntroLoad_Sync;
return _coachMarksView;
just clone the repo , check the my code
senmiao, senmiao@meili-inc.com
AwesomeCommand is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.