BradLarson / GPUImage2
- понедельник, 18 апреля 2016 г. в 03:13:55
GPUImage 2 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing.
Brad Larson
GPUImage 2 is the second generation of the GPUImage framework, an open source project for performing GPU-accelerated image and video processing on Mac, iOS, and now Linux. The original GPUImage framework was written in Objective-C and targeted Mac and iOS, but this latest version is written entirely in Swift and can also target Linux and future platforms that support Swift code.
The objective of the framework is to make it as easy as possible to set up and perform realtime video processing or machine vision against image or video sources. By relying on the GPU to run these operations, performance improvements of 100X or more over CPU-bound code can be realized. This is particularly noticeable in mobile or embedded devices. On an iPhone 4S, this framework can easily process 1080p video at over 60 FPS. On a Raspberry Pi 3, it can perform Sobel edge detection on live 720p video at over 20 FPS.
BSD-style, with the full license available with the framework in License.txt.
The framework relies on the concept of a processing pipeline, where image sources are targeted at image consumers, and so on down the line until images are output to the screen, to image files, to raw data, or to recorded movies. Cameras, movies, still images, and raw data can be inputs into this pipeline. Arbitrarily complex processing operations can be built from a combination of a series of smaller operations.
This is an object-oriented framework, with classes that encapsulate inputs, processing operations, and outputs. The processing operations use Open GL (ES) vertex and fragment shaders to perform their image manipulations on the GPU.
Examples for usage of the framework in common applications are shown below.
To add the GPUImage framework to your iOS application, either drag the GPUImage-iOS.xcodeproj project into your application's project or add it via File | Add Files To...
After that, go to your project's Build Phases and add GPUImage as a Target Dependency. Add it to the Link Binary With Libraries phase. Add a new Copy Files build phase, set its destination to Frameworks, and add GPUImage.framework to that. That last step will make sure the framework is deployed in your application bundle.
In any of your Swift files that reference GPUImage classes, simply add
import GPUImage
and you should be ready to go.
Note that you may need to build your project once to parse and build the GPUImage framework in order for Xcode to stop warning you about the framework and its classes being missing.
Eventually, this project will support the Swift Package Manager, which will make it trivial to use with a Linux project. Unfortunately, that's not yet the case, so it can take a little work to get this to build for a Linux project.
Right now, there are two build scripts in the framework directory, one named and one named The former builds the framework for a Linux target using OpenGL and the latter builds for the Raspberry Pi. I can add other targets as I test them, but I've only gotten this operational in desktop Ubuntu, on Ubuntu running on a Jetson TK1 development board, and on Raspbian running on a Raspberry Pi 2 and Pi 3.
Before compiling the framework, you'll need to get Swift up and running on your system. For desktop Ubuntu installs, you can follow Apple's guidelines on their Downloads page. Those instructions also worked for me on the Jetson TK1 dev board.
For ARM Linux devices like the Raspberry Pi, follow these steps exactly to get a working Swift compiler installed. Pay close attention to the steps for getting Clang-2.6 installed and the use of update-alternatives. These are the steps I used to go from stock Raspbian to a Swift install on
I have noticed that Swift 2.2 compiler snapshots newer than January 11 or so are missing Foundation, which I need for the framework, so maybe go with a snaphot earlier than that.
After Swift, you'll need to install Video4Linux to get access to standard USB webcams as inputs:
sudo apt-get install libv4l-dev
On the Raspberry Pi, you'll need to make sure that the Broadcom Videocore headers and libraries are installed for GPU access:
sudo apt-get install libraspberrypi-dev
For desktop Linux and other OpenGL devices (Jetson TK1), you'll need to make sure GLUT and the OpenGL headers are installed. The framework currently uses GLUT for its output. GLUT can be used on the Raspberry Pi via the new experimental OpenGL support there, but I've found that it's significantly slower than using the OpenGL ES APIs and the Videocore interface that ships with the Pi. Also, if you enable the OpenGL support you currently lock yourself out of using the Videocore interface.
Once all of that is set up, to build the framework go to the /framework directory and run the appropriate build script. This will compile and generate a Swift module and a shared library for the framework. Copy the shared library into a system-accessible library path, like /usr/lib.
To build any of the sample applications, go to the examples/ subdirectory for that example (examples are platform-specific) and run the build script to compile the example. The framework must be built before any example application.
As Swift becomes incorporated into more platforms, and as I add support for the Swift Package Manager, these Linux build steps will become much easier. My setup is kind of a hack at present.
To filter live video from a Mac or iOS camera, you can write code like the following:
do {
camera = try Camera(sessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480)
filter = SaturationAdjustment()
camera --> filter --> renderView
} catch {
fatalError("Could not initialize rendering pipeline: \(error)")
where renderView is an instance of RenderView that you've placed somewhere in your view hierarchy. The above instantiates a 640x480 camera instance, creates a saturation filter, and directs camera frames to be processed through the saturation filter on their way to the screen. startCapture() initiates the camera capture process.
The --> operator chains an image source to an image consumer, and many of these can be chained in the same line.
Functionality not completed.
Functionality not completed.
The framework uses a series of protocols to define types that can output images to be processed, take in an image for processing, or do both. These are the ImageSource, ImageConsumer, and ImageProcessingOperation protocols, respectively. Any type can comply to these, but typically classes are used.
Many common filters and other image processing operations can be described as subclasses of the BasicOperation class. BasicOperation provides much of the internal code required for taking in an image frame from one or more inputs, rendering a rectangular image (quad) from those inputs using a specified shader program, and providing that image to all of its targets. Variants on BasicOperation, such as TextureSamplingOperation or TwoStageOperation, provide additional information to the shader program that may be needed for certain kinds of operations.
To build a simple, one-input filter, you may not even need to create a subclass of your own. All you need to do is supply a fragment shader and the number of inputs needed when instantiating a BasicOperation:
let myFilter = BasicOperation(fragmentShaderFile:MyFilterFragmentShaderURL, numberOfInputs:1)
A shader program is composed of matched vertex and fragment shaders that are compiled and linked together into one program. By default, the framework uses a series of stock vertex shaders based on the number of input images feeding into an operation. Usually, all you'll need to do is provide the custom fragment shader that is used to perform your filtering or other processing.
Fragment shaders used by GPUImage look something like this:
varying highp vec2 textureCoordinate;
uniform sampler2D inputImageTexture;
uniform lowp float gamma;
void main()
lowp vec4 textureColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, textureCoordinate);
gl_FragColor = vec4(pow(textureColor.rgb, vec3(gamma)), textureColor.w);
The naming convention for texture coordinates is that textureCoordinate, textureCoordinate2, etc. are provided as varyings from the vertex shader. inputImageTexture, inputImageTexture2, etc. are the textures that represent each image being passed into the shader program. Uniforms can be defined to control the properties of whatever shader you're running. You'll need to provide two fragment shaders, one for OpenGL ES, which has precision qualifiers, and one for OpenGL, which does not.
Within the framework itself, a custom script converts these shader files into inlined string constants so that they are bundled with the compiled framework. If you add a new operation to the framework, you'll need to run
./ *
within the Operations/Shaders directory to update these inlined constants.
If you wish to group a series of operations into a single unit to pass around, you can create a new instance of OperationGroup. OperationGroup provides a configureGroup property that takes a closure which specifies how the group should be configured:
let boxBlur = BoxBlur()
let contrast = ContrastAdjustment()
let myGroup = OperationGroup()
myGroup.configureGroup{input, output in
input --> self.boxBlur --> self.contrast --> output
Frames coming in to the OperationGroup are represented by the input in the above closure, and frames going out of the entire group by the output. After setup, myGroup in the above will appear like any other operation, even though it is composed of multiple sub-operations. This group can then be passed or worked with like a single operation.
GPUImage can both export and import textures from OpenGL (ES) through the use of its TextureOutput and TextureInput classes, respectively. This lets you record a movie from an OpenGL scene that is rendered to a framebuffer object with a bound texture, or filter video or images and then feed them into OpenGL as a texture to be displayed in the scene.
The one caution with this approach is that the textures used in these processes must be shared between GPUImage's OpenGL (ES) context and any other context via a share group or something similar.
The framework uses several platform-independent types to represent common values. Generally, floating-point inputs are taken in as Floats. Sizes are specified using Size types (constructed by initializing with width and height). Colors are handled via the Color type, where you provide the normalized-to-1.0 color values for red, green, blue, and optionally alpha components.
Positions can be provided in 2-D and 3-D coordinates. If a Position is created by only specifying X and Y values, it will be handled as a 2-D point. If an optional Z coordinate is also provided, it will be dealt with as a 3-D point.
Matrices come in Matrix3x3 and Matrix4x4 varieties. These matrices can be build using a row-major array of Floats, or (on Mac and iOS) can be initialized from CATransform3D or CGAffineTransform structs.
There are currently over 100 operations built into the framework, divided into the following categories:
SolidColorGenerator: This outputs a generated image with a solid color. You need to define the image size using at initialization.
CircleGenerator: This outputs a generated image of a circle, for use in masking. The renderCircleOfRadius() method lets you specify the radius, center, circleColor, and backgroundColor.
CrosshairGenerator: This outputs a generated image of a circle, for use in masking. The renderCrosshairs() takes in a series of normalized coordinates and draws crosshairs at those coordinates.
BrightnessAdjustment: Adjusts the brightness of the image
ExposureAdjustment: Adjusts the exposure of the image
ContrastAdjustment: Adjusts the contrast of the image
SaturationAdjustment: Adjusts the saturation of an image
GammaAdjustment: Adjusts the gamma of an image
LevelsAdjustment: Photoshop-like levels adjustment. The minimum, middle, maximum, minOutput and maxOutput parameters are floats in the range [0, 1]. If you have parameters from Photoshop in the range [0, 255] you must first convert them to be [0, 1]. The gamma/mid parameter is a float >= 0. This matches the value from Photoshop. If you want to apply levels to RGB as well as individual channels you need to use this filter twice - first for the individual channels and then for all channels.
ColorMatrixFilter: Transforms the colors of an image by applying a matrix to them
RGBAdjustment: Adjusts the individual RGB channels of an image
HueAdjustment: Adjusts the hue of an image
WhiteBalance: Adjusts the white balance of an image.
HighlightsAndShadows: Adjusts the shadows and highlights of an image
LookupFilter: Uses an RGB color lookup image to remap the colors in an image. First, use your favourite photo editing application to apply a filter to lookup.png from framework/Operations/LookupImages. For this to work properly each pixel color must not depend on other pixels (e.g. blur will not work). If you need a more complex filter you can create as many lookup tables as required. Once ready, use your new lookup.png file as the basis of a PictureInput that you provide for the lookupImage property.
AmatorkaFilter: A photo filter based on a Photoshop action by Amatorka: . If you want to use this effect you have to add lookup_amatorka.png from the GPUImage framework/Operations/LookupImages folder to your application bundle.
MissEtikateFilter: A photo filter based on a Photoshop action by Miss Etikate: . If you want to use this effect you have to add lookup_miss_etikate.png from the GPUImage framework/Operations/LookupImages folder to your application bundle.
SoftElegance: Another lookup-based color remapping filter. If you want to use this effect you have to add lookup_soft_elegance_1.png and lookup_soft_elegance_2.png from the GPUImage framework/Operations/LookupImages folder to your application bundle.
ColorInversion: Inverts the colors of an image
Luminance: Reduces an image to just its luminance (greyscale).
MonochromeFilter: Converts the image to a single-color version, based on the luminance of each pixel
FalseColor: Uses the luminance of the image to mix between two user-specified colors
Haze: Used to add or remove haze (similar to a UV filter)
SepiaToneFilter: Simple sepia tone filter
OpacityAdjustment: Adjusts the alpha channel of the incoming image
LuminanceThreshold: Pixels with a luminance above the threshold will appear white, and those below will be black
AdaptiveThreshold: Determines the local luminance around a pixel, then turns the pixel black if it is below that local luminance and white if above. This can be useful for picking out text under varying lighting conditions.
AverageLuminanceThreshold: This applies a thresholding operation where the threshold is continually adjusted based on the average luminance of the scene.
AverageColorExtractor: This processes an input image and determines the average color of the scene, by averaging the RGBA components for each pixel in the image. A reduction process is used to progressively downsample the source image on the GPU, followed by a short averaging calculation on the CPU. The output from this filter is meaningless, but you need to set the colorAverageProcessingFinishedBlock property to a block that takes in four color components and a frame time and does something with them.
AverageLuminanceExtractor: Like the AverageColorExtractor, this reduces an image to its average luminosity. You need to set the luminosityProcessingFinishedBlock to handle the output of this filter, which just returns a luminosity value and a frame time.
ChromaKeying: For a given color in the image, sets the alpha channel to 0. This is similar to the ChromaKeyBlend, only instead of blending in a second image for a matching color this doesn't take in a second image and just turns a given color transparent.
Vibrance: Adjusts the vibrance of an image
HighlightShadowTint: Allows you to tint the shadows and highlights of an image independently using a color and intensity
{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}
(red).{0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}
(blue).TransformOperation: This applies an arbitrary 2-D or 3-D transformation to an image
Crop: This crops an image to a specific region, then passes only that region on to the next stage in the filter
LanczosResampling: This lets you up- or downsample an image using Lanczos resampling, which results in noticeably better quality than the standard linear or trilinear interpolation. Simply use the overriddenOutputSize propety to set the target output resolution for the filter, and the image will be resampled for that new size.
Sharpen: Sharpens the image
UnsharpMask: Applies an unsharp mask
GaussianBlur: A hardware-optimized, variable-radius Gaussian blur
BoxBlur: A hardware-optimized, variable-radius box blur
SingleComponentGaussianBlur: A modification of the GaussianBlur that operates only on the red component
iOSBlur: An attempt to replicate the background blur used on iOS 7 in places like the control center.
MedianFilter: Takes the median value of the three color components, over a 3x3 area
BilateralBlur: A bilateral blur, which tries to blur similar color values while preserving sharp edges
TiltShift: A simulated tilt shift lens effect
Convolution3x3: Runs a 3x3 convolution kernel against the image
SobelEdgeDetection: Sobel edge detection, with edges highlighted in white
PrewittEdgeDetection: Prewitt edge detection, with edges highlighted in white
ThresholdSobelEdgeDetection: Performs Sobel edge detection, but applies a threshold instead of giving gradual strength values
CannyEdgeDetection: This uses the full Canny process to highlight one-pixel-wide edges
HarrisCornerDetector: Runs the Harris corner detection algorithm on an input image, and produces an image with those corner points as white pixels and everything else black. The cornersDetectedCallback can be set, and you will be provided with an array of corners (in normalized 0..1 Positions) within that callback for whatever additional operations you want to perform.
NobleCornerDetector: Runs the Noble variant on the Harris corner detector. It behaves as described above for the Harris detector.
ShiTomasiCornerDetector: Runs the Shi-Tomasi feature detector. It behaves as described above for the Harris detector.
Dilation: This performs an image dilation operation, where the maximum intensity of the color channels in a rectangular neighborhood is used for the intensity of this pixel. The radius of the rectangular area to sample over is specified on initialization, with a range of 1-4 pixels. This is intended for use with grayscale images, and it expands bright regions.
Erosion: This performs an image erosion operation, where the minimum intensity of the color channels in a rectangular neighborhood is used for the intensity of this pixel. The radius of the rectangular area to sample over is specified on initialization, with a range of 1-4 pixels. This is intended for use with grayscale images, and it expands dark regions.
OpeningFilter: This performs an erosion on the color channels of an image, followed by a dilation of the same radius. The radius is set on initialization, with a range of 1-4 pixels. This filters out smaller bright regions.
ClosingFilter: This performs a dilation on the color channels of an image, followed by an erosion of the same radius. The radius is set on initialization, with a range of 1-4 pixels. This filters out smaller dark regions.
LocalBinaryPattern: This performs a comparison of intensity of the red channel of the 8 surrounding pixels and that of the central one, encoding the comparison results in a bit string that becomes this pixel intensity. The least-significant bit is the top-right comparison, going counterclockwise to end at the right comparison as the most significant bit.
ColorLocalBinaryPattern: This performs a comparison of intensity of all color channels of the 8 surrounding pixels and that of the central one, encoding the comparison results in a bit string that becomes each color channel's intensity. The least-significant bit is the top-right comparison, going counterclockwise to end at the right comparison as the most significant bit.
LowPassFilter: This applies a low pass filter to incoming video frames. This basically accumulates a weighted rolling average of previous frames with the current ones as they come in. This can be used to denoise video, add motion blur, or be used to create a high pass filter.
HighPassFilter: This applies a high pass filter to incoming video frames. This is the inverse of the low pass filter, showing the difference between the current frame and the weighted rolling average of previous ones. This is most useful for motion detection.
MotionDetector: This is a motion detector based on a high-pass filter. You set the motionDetectedCallback and on every incoming frame it will give you the centroid of any detected movement in the scene (in normalized X,Y coordinates) as well as an intensity of motion for the scene.
MotionBlur: Applies a directional motion blur to an image
ZoomBlur: Applies a directional motion blur to an image
ColourFASTFeatureDetection: Brings out the ColourFAST feature descriptors for an image
ChromaKeyBlend: Selectively replaces a color in the first image with the second image
DissolveBlend: Applies a dissolve blend of two images
MultiplyBlend: Applies a multiply blend of two images
AddBlend: Applies an additive blend of two images
SubtractBlend: Applies a subtractive blend of two images
DivideBlend: Applies a division blend of two images
OverlayBlend: Applies an overlay blend of two images
DarkenBlend: Blends two images by taking the minimum value of each color component between the images
LightenBlend: Blends two images by taking the maximum value of each color component between the images
ColorBurnBlend: Applies a color burn blend of two images
ColorDodgeBlend: Applies a color dodge blend of two images
ScreenBlend: Applies a screen blend of two images
ExclusionBlend: Applies an exclusion blend of two images
DifferenceBlend: Applies a difference blend of two images
HardLightBlend: Applies a hard light blend of two images
SoftLightBlend: Applies a soft light blend of two images
AlphaBlend: Blends the second image over the first, based on the second's alpha channel
SourceOverBlend: Applies a source over blend of two images
ColorBurnBlend: Applies a color burn blend of two images
ColorDodgeBlend: Applies a color dodge blend of two images
NormalBlend: Applies a normal blend of two images
ColorBlend: Applies a color blend of two images
HueBlend: Applies a hue blend of two images
SaturationBlend: Applies a saturation blend of two images
LuminosityBlend: Applies a luminosity blend of two images
LinearBurnBlend: Applies a linear burn blend of two images
Pixellate: Applies a pixellation effect on an image or video
PolarPixellate: Applies a pixellation effect on an image or video, based on polar coordinates instead of Cartesian ones
PolkaDot: Breaks an image up into colored dots within a regular grid
Halftone: Applies a halftone effect to an image, like news print
Crosshatch: This converts an image into a black-and-white crosshatch pattern
SketchFilter: Converts video to look like a sketch. This is just the Sobel edge detection filter with the colors inverted
ThresholdSketchFilter: Same as the sketch filter, only the edges are thresholded instead of being grayscale
ToonFilter: This uses Sobel edge detection to place a black border around objects, and then it quantizes the colors present in the image to give a cartoon-like quality to the image.
SmoothToonFilter: This uses a similar process as the ToonFilter, only it precedes the toon effect with a Gaussian blur to smooth out noise.
EmbossFilter: Applies an embossing effect on the image
Posterize: This reduces the color dynamic range into the number of steps specified, leading to a cartoon-like simple shading of the image.
SwirlDistortion: Creates a swirl distortion on the image
BulgeDistortion: Creates a bulge distortion on the image
PinchDistortion: Creates a pinch distortion of the image
StretchDistortion: Creates a stretch distortion of the image
SphereRefraction: Simulates the refraction through a glass sphere
GlassSphereRefraction: Same as SphereRefraction, only the image is not inverted and there's a little bit of frosting at the edges of the glass
Vignette: Performs a vignetting effect, fading out the image at the edges
KuwaharaFilter: Kuwahara image abstraction, drawn from the work of Kyprianidis, et. al. in their publication "Anisotropic Kuwahara Filtering on the GPU" within the GPU Pro collection. This produces an oil-painting-like image, but it is extremely computationally expensive, so it can take seconds to render a frame on an iPad 2. This might be best used for still images.
KuwaharaRadius3Filter: A modified version of the Kuwahara filter, optimized to work over just a radius of three pixels
CGAColorspace: Simulates the colorspace of a CGA monitor
Solarize: Applies a solarization effect