
pyupio / safety-db

  • суббота, 29 октября 2016 г. в 03:13:23

A curated database of insecure Python packages

Note: This database is currently in its early stages. It's possible that there are false positives and missing packages.

What is this?

This is an effort to collect all known security vulnerabilities in Python packages and make them available to consume for humans and automated tools.

The data is collected by filtering CVEs and changelogs for certain keywords and then manually reviewing them. Take a look at previous pull requests to see how that looks like.

What is this not?

This is not a hall of shame, or a list of packages to avoid. The package maintainers show a great responsibility by documenting and fixing security issues in such a way that they can be listed here. That's extremely valuable when considering using a package in production.

Using this data

For humans:

For robots:

Check out the data directory:

  • insecure.json contains just the package name and all insecure releases as a plain list.
  • insecure_full.json additionally contains the CVE description and URLs, or the relevant part of the changelog.

The database is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. This allows you to use the data in any non commercial project as long as you link back to this repo. If you need a license for a commercial project, please get in touch.


  • safety checks your installed dependencies for known security vulnerabilities. To use it, install it in the virtualenv you want to check with pip install safety and then run safety check.
  • safety-django warns you in the admin area if you have insecure dependencies installed.
  • coming soon
  • your tool?

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