
JakeWharton / retrolambda

  • пятница, 29 апреля 2016 г. в 03:12:46

Backport of Java 8's lambda expressions to Java 7, 6 and 5

Jake's Retrolambda

This fork of Retrolambda integrates a few PRs I have made upstream which are not yet merged and/or released:

  • Detect and omit the JVM's lambda factory method.

    Retrolambda uses Java 8's LambdaMetaFactory to materialize lambdas into classes at compile-time (which is what the JVM otherwise does at runtime). There are two extra methods on these classes which are not really needed: a serialization hook for replacing the body of the serialized form and a factory method for creating instances of the class. Retrolambda always removed the former method. This change removes the latter, since Retrolambda generates its own factory method on the materialized class.

  • Alter when accessor methods are generated.

    By default, Retrolambda generates a package-private accessor method in the host class when materializing method references into classes. This ensures the generated class (which is also in the same package) can invoke the accessor method. When the method reference is not a private method, though, this accessor does not need to be generated.

    Additionally, when a protected method is referenced from a base class, an additional accessor method needs to be generated. This allows the generated class to invoke the method through the accessor which is otherwise only visible to the subclass.

  • Remove NEW, DUP instructions when changing NEWINVOKESPECIAL to INVOKESTATIC.

    When a lambda calls a private method from the host class (or its enclosed or enclosing types), the invokespecial bytecode is used. When Retrolambda materializes the lambda to a class it generates an accessor method that calls through to the private method and uses that instead. When the private method is a constructor there are two additional bytecodes, new and dup, which preceded invokespecial. This changes the behavior of Retrolambda from appending pop bytecodes to discard the instance created by these new and dup bytecodes to actually just removing them completely.

  • Skip access method when lambda body method can be promoted.

    Lambda bodies are moved to private static methods when materialized. In order to invoke them from them class that Retrolambda generates an additional package-private static accessor method had to be generated in the class. Instead, the private method is promoted to package-private visibility so that it can be invoked directly from the new class.

These changes have saved approximately 1500-2000 methods from being generated for our app.

This fork also integrates PRs from other contributors made upstream which are not yet merged:

  • Rewrite calls to Objects.requireNonNull

    When compiling with JDK 9, javac uses the Java 7-only Objects.requireNonNull method for nullability checks. In order to be compatible with pre-Java 7 runtimes, this is rewritten to call getClass() on the instance which is in line with pre-JDK 9 behavior.

To use this version of Retrolambda in your build (with Evan T's plugin) add the following:

dependencies {
  retrolambdaConfig 'com.jakewharton.retrolambda:retrolambda:2.1.0-jake2'

Version History

Retrolambda 2.1.0-jake2 (2016-04-27)

  • Fix: Do not generate accessor methods for protected method references in base classes when the base class is in the same package.

Retrolambda 2.1.0-jake1 (2016-04-27)

Initial release.