
dmulholland / ivy

  • суббота, 29 июля 2017 г. в 03:13:23

A minimalist static website generator built in Python.


Ivy is a static website generator built in Python. It's small, elegant, and easy to use.

$ ivy --help

Usage: ivy [FLAGS] [COMMAND]

  Ivy is a static website generator. It transforms a directory of text
  files into a self-contained website.

  --help              Print the application's help text and exit.
  --version           Print the application's version number and exit.

  build               Build the site.
  clear               Clear the output directory.
  init                Initialize a new site directory.
  serve               Run a web server on the site's output directory.
  tree                Print the site's node tree.
  watch               Monitor the site directory and rebuild on changes.

Command Help:
  help <command>      Print the specified command's help text and exit.