
atomic14 / VisionCoreMLSample

  • суббота, 24 июня 2017 г. в 03:12:17

Sample application using Vision Framework and Core ML

Getting started

Recognising objects

Click here for a better demo.

You can find a detailed breakdown of the code here:

You will need the beta version of xCode and a device running the iOS 11 beta (make sure you only install the beta software on a test device!).

CoreML Model

If you have Git LFS installed, the required CoreML will download as part of the git clone.

~~Otherwise you can download the CoreML model - Resnet50.mlmodel from here: ~~

Unfortunately we've had to remove the model from Git LFS as we were running out bandwidth!

You can download the CoreML model - Resnet50.mlmodel from here: and drag the downloaded file into your project. Make sure you click on the "copy" checkbox.

Adding ML Model to Project