
apple / swift-protobuf-plugin

  • суббота, 24 сентября 2016 г. в 03:17:01

Generate Swift code with this protoc plugin

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Swift Protobuf Plugin

Welcome to Swift Protobuf!

Apple's Swift programming language is a perfect complement to Google's Protocol Buffer serialization technology. They both emphasize high performance and programmer safety.

This project provides complete support for Protocol Buffer via a protoc plugin that is itself written entirely in Swift.

For more information about Swift Protobuf, please look at:

Other documentation in this project:

  • describes the API provided by the generated Swift code.
  • describes the low-level details of the generated code.

Getting Started

If you've worked with Protocol Buffers before, adding Swift support is very simple: you just need to build the protoc-gen-swift program and copy it into your PATH. The protoc program will find and use it automatically, allowing you to build Swift sources for your proto files. You will also, of course, need to add the corresponding Swift runtime library to your project.

System Requirements

To use Swift with Protocol buffers, you'll need:

  • A recent Swift 3 compiler that includes the Swift Package Manager. The Swift protobuf project is being developed and tested against the Swift 3.0 developer preview available from

  • Google's protoc compiler. The Swift protoc plugin is being actively developed and tested against the protobuf 3.0 release. It may work with earlier versions of protoc. You can get recent versions from Google's github repository.

Build and Install

Building the plugin should be simple on any supported Swift platform:

$ git clone
$ cd swift-protobuf-plugin
$ swift build

This will create a binary called protoc-gen-swift in the .build/debug directory. To install, just copy this one executable anywhere in your PATH.

Converting .proto files into Swift

To generate Swift output for your .proto files, you run the protoc command as usual, using the --swift_out=<directory> option:

$ protoc --swift_out=. my.proto

The protoc program will automatically look for protoc-gen-swift in your PATH and use it.

Each .proto input file will get translated to a corresponding .pb.swift file in the output directory.

Building your project

After copying the .pb.swift files into your project, you will need to add the SwiftProtobufRuntime library to your project to support the generated code. If you are using the Swift Package Manager, you should first check what version of protoc-gen-swift you are currently using:

$ protoc-gen-swift --version
protoc-gen-swift 0.9.12

And then add a dependency to your Package.swift file. Adjust the Version() here to match the protoc-gen-swift version you checked above:

dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "", Version(0,9,12))

If you are using Xcode, then you should:

  • Add the Swift source files generated from your protos directly to your project
  • Clone the SwiftProtobufRuntime package
  • Add the SwiftProtobufRuntime target from the Xcode project from that package to your project.

Quick Example

Here is a quick example to illustrate how you can use Swift Protocol Buffers in your program, and why you might want to. Create a file DataModel.proto with the following contents:

syntax = "proto3";

message BookInfo {
   int64 id = 1;
   string title = 2;
   string author = 3;

message MyLibrary {
   int64 id = 1;
   string name = 2;
   repeated BookInfo books = 3;
   map<string,string> keys = 4;

After saving the above, you can generate Swift code using the following command:

$ protoc --swift_out=. DataModel.proto

This will create a file DataModel.pb.swift with a struct BookInfo and a struct MyLibrary with corresponding Swift fields for each of the proto fields and a host of other capabilities:

  • Full mutable Swift copy-on-write value semantics
  • CustomDebugStringConvertible: The generated struct has a debugDescription method that can dump a full representation of the data
  • Hashable, Equatable: The generated struct can be put into a Set<> or Dictionary<>
  • Binary serializable: The .serializeProtobuf() method returns a Data with a compact binary form of your data. You can deserialize the data using the init(protobuf:) initializer.
  • JSON serializable: The .serializeJSON() method returns a flexible JSON representation of your data that can be parsed with the init(json:) initializer.
  • Portable: The binary and JSON formats used by the serializers here are identical to those supported by protobuf for many other platforms and languages, making it easy to talk to C++ or Java servers, share data with desktop apps written in Objective-C or C++, or work with system applications developed in Python or Go.

And of course, you can define your own Swift extensions to the generated MyLibrary struct to augment it with additional custom capabilities.

Best of all, you can take the same DataModel.proto file and generate Java, C++, Python, or Objective-C for use on other platforms. Those platforms can all then exchange serialized data in binary or JSON forms, with no additional effort on your part.


Following are a number of examples demonstrating how to use the code generated by protoc in a Swift program.

Basic Protobuf Serialization

Consider this simple proto file:

// file foo.proto
package project.basics;
syntax = "proto3";
message Foo {
   int32 id = 1;
   string label = 2;
   repeated string alternates = 3;

After running protoc, you will have a Swift source file foo.pb.swift that contains a struct Project_Basics_Foo. The name here includes a prefix derived from the package name; you can override this prefix with the swift_prefix option.

You can use the generated struct much as you would any other struct. It has properties corresponding to the fields defined in the proto. You can provide values for those properties in the initializer as well:

var foo = Project_Basics_Foo(id: 12)
foo.label = "Excellent"
foo.alternates = ["Good", "Better", "Best"]

The generated struct also includes standard definitions of hashValue, equality, and other basic utility methods:

if foo.isEmpty {
    // Initialize foo

var foos = Set<Project_Basics_Foo>()

You can serialize the object to a compact binary protobuf format or a legible JSON format:

print(try foo.serializeJSON())
network.write(try foo.serializeProtobuf())

(Note that serialization can fail if the objects contain data that cannot be represented in the target serialization. Currently, these failures can only occur if your proto is taking advantage of the proto3 well-known Timestamp, Duration, or Any types which impose additional restrictions on the range and type of data.)

Conversely, if you have a string containing a JSON or protobuf serialized form, you can convert it back into an object using the generated initializers:

let foo1 = try Project_Basics_Foo(json: inputString)
let foo2 = try Project_Basics_Foo(protobuf: inputBytes)

Customizing the generated structs

You can customize the generated structs by using Swift extensions.

Most obviously, you can add new methods as necessary:

extension Project_Basics_Foo {
   mutating func invert() {
      id = 1000 - id
      label = "Inverted " + label

For very specialized applications, you can also override the generated methods in this way. For example, if you want to change how the hashValue property is computed, you can redefine it as follows:

extension Project_Basics_Foo {
   // I only want to hash based on the id.
   var hashValue: Int { return Int(id) }

Note that the hashValue property generated by the compiler is actually called _protoc_generated_hashValue, so you can still access the generated version even with the override. Similarly, you can override other methods:

  • hashValue property: as described above
  • customMirror property: alter how mirrors are constructed
  • debugDescription property: alter the text form shown when debugging
  • isEmpty test: used to identify "empty" or "unchanged" objects
  • isEqualTo(other:) test: Used by ==
  • serializeJSON() method: JSON serialization is generated
  • serializeAnyJSON() method: generates a JSON serialization of an Any object containing this type
  • decodeFromJSONToken() method: decodes an object of this type from a single JSON token (ignore this if your custom JSON format does not consist of a single token)
  • decodeFromJSONNull(), decodeFromJSONObject(), decodeFromJSONArray(): decode an object of this type from the corresponding JSON data

Overriding the protobuf serialization is not fully supported at this time.

To see how this is used, you might examine the ProtobufRuntime implementation of Google_Protobuf_Duration. The core of that type is compiled from duration.proto, but the library also includes a file Google_Protobuf_Duration_Extensions.swift which extends the generated code with a variety of specialized behaviors.

Generated JSON serializers

Consider the following simple proto file:

message Foo {
  int32 id = 1;
  string name = 2;
  int64 my_my = 3;

A typical JSON message might look like the following:

  "id": 1732789,
  "name": "Alice",
  "myMy": "1.7e3"

In particular, note that the "my_my" field name in the proto file gets translated to "myMy" in the JSON serialized form. You can override this with a json_name property on fields as needed.

To decode such a message, you would use Swift code similar to the following

let jsonString = ... string read from somewhere ...
let f = try Foo(json: jsonString)
print("id: \(  name: \(  myMy: \(f.myMy)")

Similarly, you can serialize a message object in memory to a JSON string

let f = Foo(id: 777, name: "Bob")
let json = try f.serializeJSON()
print("json: \(json)")
// json: {"id": 777, "name": "Bob"}

Ad hoc JSON Deserialization

TODO Example Swift code that uses the generic JSON wrapper types to parse anonymous JSON input.

Decoding With Proto2 Extensions

(Note that extensions are a proto2 feature that is no longer supported in proto3.)

Suppose you have the following simple proto file defining a message Foo:

// file base.proto
package my.project;
message Foo {
   extensions 100-1000;

And suppose another file defines an extension of that message:

// file more.proto
package my.project;
extend Foo {
   optional int32 extra_info = 177;

As described above, protoc will create an extension object in more.pb.swift and a Swift extension that adds an extraInfo property to the My_Project_Foo struct.

You can decode a Foo message containing this extension as follows. Note that the extension object here includes the package name and the name of the message being extended:

let extensions: ProtobufExtensionSet = [My_Project_Foo_extraInfo]
let m = My_Project_Foo(protobuf: data, extensions: extensions)

If you had many extensions defined in bar.proto, you can avoid having to list them all yourself by using the preconstructed extension set included in the generated file. Note that the name of the preconstructed set includes the package name and the name of the input file to ensure that extensions from different files do not collide:

let extensions = Project_Additions_More_Extensions
let m = My_Project_Foo(protobuf: data, extensions: extensions)

To serialize an extension value, just set the value on the message and serialize the result as usual:

var m = My_Project_Foo()
m.extraInfo = 12

Swift Options

import "swift-options.proto";
option (apple_swift_prefix)=<prefix> (no default)

This value will be prepended to all struct, class, and enums that are generated in the global scope. Nested types will not have this string added. By default, this is generated from the package name by converting each package element to UpperCamelCase and combining them with underscores. For example, the package "foo_bar.baz" would lead to a default Swift prefix of "FooBar_Baz_".

CAVEAT: This requires you have swift-options.proto available when you run protoc.

We are discussing with Google adding a standard option swift_prefix that would have the same behavior but without this requirement. If that happens, the plugin will be updated to support both the option (apple_swift_prefix) and option swift_prefix.


RawMessage: There should be a generic wrapper around the binary protobuf decode machinery that provides a way for clients to disassemble encoded messages into raw field data accessible by field tag.

Embedded Descriptors: There should be an option to include embedded descriptors and a standard way to access them.

Dynamic Messages: There should be a generic wrapper that can accept a Descriptor or Type and provide generic decoding of a message. This will likely build on RawMessage.

Text PB: There is an old text PB format that is supported by the old proto2 Java and C++ backends. A few folks like it; it might be easy to add.

Differences From other implementations

Google's spec for JSON serialization of Any objects requires that JSON-to-protobuf and protobuf-to-JSON transcoding of well-formed messages fail if the full type of the object contained in the Any is not available. Google has opined that this should always occur on the JSON side, in particular, they think that JSON-to-protobuf transcoding should fail the JSON decode. I don't like this, since this implies that JSON-to-JSON recoding will also fail in this case. Instead, I have the reserialization fail when transcoding with insufficient type information.

This implementation fully supports JSON encoding for proto2 types. Google has not specified how this should work, so the implementation here may not fully interoperate with other implementations. Currently, groups are handled as if they were messages. Proto2 extensions are serialized to JSON automatically, they are deserialized from JSON if you provide the appropriate ExtensionSet when deserializing.

The protobuf serializer currently always writes all required fields in proto2 messages. This differs from the behavior of Google's C++ and Java implementations, which omit required fields that have not been set or whose value is the default. This may change.

Unlike proto2, proto3 does not provide a standard way to tell if a field has "been set" or not. This is standard proto3 behavior across all languages and implementations. If you need to distinguish an empty field, you can model this in proto3 using a oneof group with a single element:

message Foo {
  oneof HasName {
     string name = 432;

This will cause the name field to be generated as a Swift Optional<String> which will be nil if no value was provided for name.