
appbaseio / Docbase

  • четверг, 7 апреля 2016 г. в 03:12:37

Turn markdown docs into beautiful sites


Build Status

Turn .md files into a beautiful documentation hub with versioning and beautifully rendered menus.

  • Docbase can read files that are hosted on github, locally or a http:// server.
  • It can publish documentation hubs to github pages (via travis) or locally which can be served with as static files with a http:// server.

Docbase comes with a yeoman generator that turns the installation and configuration process into a piece of cake.

A rendered documentation site

Example Hubs built with Docbase

  1. Airbnb JS Style guide
  2. Redis Docs
  3. EmberJS Guide


1. npm install -g yo


2. npm install -g generator-docbase


3. yo docbase

Welcome to
    .___           ___.
  __| _/____   ____\_ |__ _____    ______ ____
 / __ |/  _ \_/ ___\| __ \\__  \  /  ___// __ \
/ /_/ (  <_> )  \___| \_\ \/ __ \_\___ \\  ___/
\____ |\____/ \___  >___  (____  /____  >\___  >
     \/           \/    \/     \/     \/     \/



Docbase is live at:

Read the manual

The manual walks through the generator options, and explains docbase options and features. The manual itself is served with docbase.

Who uses docbase

Send a PR with your name here.


v0.2.56 Apr 2 '16

  • Comes with a yeoman generator yo docbase
  • Resizable mobile navigation menu
  • Realtime search with an offline search index
  • No 404s when navigating to folders
  • Updates markdown parser
  • Show github contributors on each documentation page
  • Colorful themes baked in

. (54 more releases)

v0.0.2 Aug 7 '15

  • All flatdoc theme options supported
  • Customizable root path

v0.0.1 Feb 10 '15

  • Initial release


Henrique Sa (@henriquesa),
Mateus Freira (@mateusfreira),
Farhan Chauhan (@farhan687),
Siddharth Kothari (@siddharthlatest)
