A useful list of must-watch talks about JavaScript
Must-Watch JavaScript
This is a collection of well-received talks about JavaScript, covering topics such as ES6, JavaScript frameworks, client-side apps, mobile integration, JavaScript performance, tooling, leveling up, and more.
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Immutable Data Structures for Functional JS : Anjana Vakil, JSConf.EU 26:32
JavaScript Engines - How Do They Even? : Franziska Hinkelmann, JSConf.EU 25:13
The Rise of Async JavaScript : Jeremy Fairbank, FluentConf 28:58
Reasonable JavaScript : Preethi Kasireddy, Nodevember, 50:12
Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript : Anjana Vakil, JSUnconf 29:56
Choosing a JavaScript Framework : Rob Eisenberg: NDC Oslo 1:01:13
The Myth of The "Real JavaScript Developer" : Brenna O'Brien, Front-Trends 27:05
An Angular 2 Force Awakens : John Papa, ng-conf 20:39
React.js for TV UIs : Steve McGuire, Netflix JavaScript Talks 35:02
The Hitchhiker's Guide to All Things Memory in JavaScript : Safia Abdalla, JSConf Budapest, 26:16
SVG and GreenSock for Complex Animation : Sarah Drasner, ForwardJS Summit, 40:16
JavaScript in 2015 : Glen Maddern (screencast) 10:32
Angular + React = Speed : Dave Smith, ng-conf 19:26
Parallelism Experiments in JavaScript : Naveed Ihsanullah, JSConf.US 32:39
Eliminate JavaScript Code Smells : Elijah Manor, FluentConf 29:15
Pocket-Sized JS : Henrik Joreteg, dotJS 18:44
What the... JavaScript? : Kyle Simpson, ForwardJS 38:16
Real World jQuery : Ben Foxall, jQuery UK 26:45
JavaScript State of the Union : Geoff Schmidt, Meteor Devshop SF 48:47
Dirty Performance Secrets of HTML5 : Andreas Gal, FluentConf 14:15
You Should Use <Insert Library/Framework>, It's the Bestestest! : Paul Lewis, Full Frontal 33:31
Async Programming in ES7 : Jafar Husain, JSConf.US 35:56
Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel : Dan Abramov, ReactEurope 30:40
JavaScript Transformation : Sebastian McKenzie, JSConf.US 20:23
Node.js at Netflix : Kim Trott, Node.js Interactive 25:17
If You Wish to Learn ES6/2015 From Scratch, You Must First Invent the Universe : Ashley Williams, JSConf.US 25:48
Enemy of the State : Amy Palamountain, Forward JS 32:40
Mary Live-Codes a JavaScript Game from Scratch : Mary Rose Cook, Front-Trends 32:16
Unorthodox Performance : John-David Dalton, ForwardJS 43:39
What the Heck Is the Event Loop Anyway? : Philip Roberts, JSConf.EU 26:53
Building Isomorphic Apps : Spike Brehm, JSConf.Asia 45:01
JavaScript for Everybody : Marcy Sutton, JSConf.EU 28:59
JavaScript ♥ Unicode : Mathias Bynens, JSConf.EU 25:41
Using AngularJS to Create iPhone & Android Applications with PhoneGap : Daniel Zen, ng-conf 21:34
Virtual Machines, JavaScript and Assembler : Scott Hanselman, FluentConf 25:56
User Interface Algorithms : Mark DiMarco, JSConf.US 27:41
End to End Angular Testing with Protractor : Julie Ralph, ng-conf 18:46
Async JavaScript at Netflix : Jafar Husain, Netflix JavaScript Talks 28:38
Building Realtime Apps with Firebase and Angular : Anant Narayanan, ng-conf 21:08
A JavaScript Web App Deconstructed : Alex MacCaw, JSConf.Asia 36:24
JavaScript in Your Native Mobile Apps : Allen Pike, JSConf.EU 25:47
JavaScript Masterclass : Angelina Fabbro, JSConf.US 22:33
A Comparison of the Two-Way Binding in AngularJS, EmberJS and KnockoutJS : Marius Gundersen, JSConf.EU 19:16
Hacker Way: Rethinking Web App Development at Facebook : Tom Occhino, Jing Chen, and Pete Hunt, F8 44:35
Promises and Generators: Control Flow Utopia : Forbes Lindesay, JSConf.EU 31:26
How to Rewrite Your JS App (at Least) 10 Times : Garann Means, Fronteers 47:45
Front-End Development in Node.js : Raquel Vélez, jQuery Conference Portland 34:01
Front-End Tools for the Young Developer : Christian Vuerings, SF HTML5 User Group 14:16
Rethinking Best Practices : Pete Hunt, JSConf.Asia 40:57
A Tale of Two MVC's : Yehuda Katz, Golden Gate Ruby Conference 31:06
Building with Web Components Using X-Tags : Remy Sharp, Full Frontal 32:53
Righteous Javascript, Dude! : Zach Bruggerman, Cascadia JS 18:15
Transitioning Groupon to NodeJS : Sean McCullough, EmpireJS 28:23
Building Modular Web Applications: How To Build a Good Component : Angelina Fabbro, jQuery Conference Portland 35:02
Making JS More Learnable : Pamela Fox, dotJS 28:46
The Web Experience in the Autistic Spectrum : Natalia Berdys, JSConf.EU 30:37
Return of Inspector Web: Web Components a Year Later : Angelina Fabbro, Fronteers 49:44
Develop High Performance Sites and Apps with JavaScript and HTML5 : Dr. Doris Chen, HTML5DevConf Meetup 1:01:39
Building Reflow : Kristofer Joseph, BackboneConf 45:41
Levelling Up in AngularJS : Alicia Liu, HTML5DevConf 40:31
A Novel, Efficient Approach to JavaScript Loading : Malte Ubl and John Hjelmstad, JSConf.EU 26:36
To Hell with jQuery : Karolina Szczur, JSConf.EU 20:00
Is Node.js Better? : Brian Ford, JSConf.US 41:42
Inspector Web and the Mystery of the Shadow DOM : Angelina Fabbro, JSConfEU 28:42
Maintainable JavaScript : Nicholas Zakas, FluentConf 47:04
Client Side Internationalization : Alex Sexton, JSConf.EU 24:08