
allegro / bigcache

  • четверг, 31 марта 2016 г. в 03:12:21

Efficient cache for gigabytes of data written in Go.

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Fast, concurrent, evicting in-memory cache written to keep big number of entries without impact on performance. BigCache keeps entries on heap but omits GC for them. To achieve that operations on bytes arrays take place, therefore entries (de)serialization in front of the cache will be needed in most use cases.


Simple initialization

import ""

cache := bigcache.NewBigCache(bigcache.DefaultConfig(10 * time.Minute))

cache.Set("my-unique-key", []byte("value"))

entry, _ := cache.Get("my-unique-key")

Custom initialization

When cache load can be predicted in advance then it is better to use custom initialization because additional memory allocation can be avoided in that way.

import ""

config := bigcache.Config{
        Shards: 1000,                       // number of shards
        LifeWindow: 10 * time.Minute,       // time after which entry can be evicted
        MaxEntriesInWindow: 1000 * 10 * 60, // rps * lifeWindow
        MaxEntrySize: 500,                  // max entry size in bytes, used only in initial memory allocation
        Verbose: true,                      // prints information about additional memory allocation

cache := bigcache.NewBigCache(config)

cache.Set("my-unique-key", []byte("value"))

if entry, err := cache.Get("my-unique-key"); err == nil {


Three caches were compared: bigcache, freecache and map. Benchmark tests were made on MacBook Pro (3 GHz Processor Intel Core i7, 16GB Memory).

Writes and reads

go test -bench=. -benchtime=10s ./...

BenchmarkMapSet-4               10000000          1691 ns/op
BenchmarkFreeCacheSet-4         20000000          1309 ns/op
BenchmarkBigCacheSet-4          20000000          1110 ns/op
BenchmarkMapGet-4               30000000           544 ns/op
BenchmarkFreeCacheGet-4         20000000          1020 ns/op
BenchmarkBigCacheGet-4          20000000           766 ns/op
BenchmarkBigCacheSetParallel-4  20000000           563 ns/op
BenchmarkFreeCacheSetParallel-4 30000000           666 ns/op
BenchmarkBigCacheGetParallel-4  50000000           625 ns/op
BenchmarkFreeCacheGetParallel-4 20000000           696 ns/op
ok    470.259s

Parallel writes and reads in bigcache and freecache are on very similar level. In serial tests reads are slightly faster in bigcache than in fastcache.

GC pause time

go run caches_gc_overhead_comparsion.go

Number of entries:  20000000
GC pause for bigcache:  50.8121ms
GC pause for freecache:  29.451837ms
GC pause for map:  11.231013483s

Test shows how long are the GC pauses for caches filled with 20mln of entries. Freecache has the shortest GC pause time, bigcache is slightly slower. It is clear that both reduce GC overhead in contrast to map which GC pause time took more than 10 seconds.

How it works

BigCache relays on optimization presented in 1.5 version of Go (issue-9477). This optimization states that if map without pointers in keys and values is used then GC will omit it’s content. Therefore BigCache uses map[uint64]uint32 where keys are hashed and values are offsets of entries.

Entries are kept in bytes array, to omit GC again. Bytes array size can grow to gigabytes without impact on performance because GC will only see single pointer to it.

Bigcache vs Freecache

Both caches provide the same core features but they reduce GC overhead in different ways. Bigcache relays on map[uint64]uint32, freecache implements its own mapping built on slices to reduce number of pointers.

Results from benchmark tests are presented above. One of the advantage of bigcache over freecache is that you don’t need to know the size of cache in advance, because when bigcache is full, it allocates additional memory for new entries instead of overwriting existing ones as freecache does currently.


BigCache is released under the Apache 2.0 license (see LICENSE)